Sakura Birthday

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Sakura hummed and snuggled deeper into her blankets too cosy and content to yet wish to open her eyes or rise to face the day She smiled as a warm hands gentle tucked up between her and the blanket brushing along her neck and smoothing over the curve of her bare shoulder.

“Ohayou” Sakura mumbled into the fold of the blanket tucked up to her face.

A soft kiss to her cheek just shy of the fabric. “Happy birthday my beautiful cherry” hinata said in a gentle and shy tone even when they grew up she's still a bit shy

Sakura giggled as she opened her eyes, turning onto her back and looking up at her beautiful wife hinata smiled gently down at her her light eyes warm and sparkling

Sakura laughed a little more happy and pushed one hand out from under the blankets to reach for her passing over her shoulder up to cup her neck drawing him down to her

Hinata settled on her stomach propped on her elbows and leaning cosily against her

Sakura shifted a little more and snuggled into him, fingers toying with her messy hair she may have gotten up before her but she was still only wearing the now slightly rumpled light kimono she had slept in and her hair was. . .

Sakura tugged a bit of it that was sticking up, then leaned up to kiss her cheek hinata pinked a little and Sakura giggled again tugging her against her

“I’m not ready to get up Snuggle with me?” Sakura asked, pouting at her  theatrically

Hinata laughed a little and moved away just enough to slip beneath the blanket putting her bottoms on sakuras“As you wish, birthday cherry ” she said and Sakura hummed snuggling into her neck and curling her fingers into her kimono where it gaped open a little

“And don’t you forget it.” she said sleepily poking her just below her collarbone before bringing her even closer to her and nuzzling into her shoulder

“Never” hinata said softly as sakura kissed her brow and stroking up her back hinata sighed sleepily and basked in the affectionate caresses, enjoying the lazy warmth of the quiet morning They were  neither of them, particularly suited to idleness and it was a rare day they began this way While it would feel wrong to do so too often . . . it was a nice change once in a while.

Sakura dozed for a while, and eventually woke still cuddled close to hinatas neck she started running her fingers through her hair and stroking the nape of her neck. It made her shiver. she had a day off today

Sakura stretched toes splaying and back arching, and smiled at hinata as she settled down again, their noses almost brushing hinata gave her a delicate brush of a kiss and she sighed softly as she pulled away

“There is anpan for breakfast when you wish to get up for it.” hinata said brushing her hair away from her face, fingertips stroking down her cheek “Or I can bring it to you, if you wish, my Deadliest charry”

“Ooh.” Sakura grinned. “I might have gotten up earlier, if I’d known.” she teased.

Hinata smiled “Then I am glad I did not tell you earlier” she said and kissed the tip of her nose “It is so nice to be like this with you.”

Sakura crooned and snuggled into her “It is” she agreed, then sighed. “Up?” she asked pulling away

“Breakfast?” sakura asked sliding out of bed and stretching almost languidly.

Hinata bounced up from the bed just as she was lowering her arms and wrapped her own around her shoulders, pressing herself against her back “Breakfast.” she said nuzzling her neck hinata gave a startled little cry as sakura crouched and hooked her hands around her thighs, pulling her up onto his back easily “it's your birthday I'm suppose to treat you” hinata huffed out

Relaxing there, Sakura laughed in her ear and snuggled against her as she  carried hinata piggyback through the house to the kitchen sakura put hinata then she sits down on the perch on the counter and hinata put the kettle on to boil while she snagged the little tray of anpan

Hinata laughed when he turned to see her with her mouth full and Sakura wiggled her fingers at her playfully nose scrunching she came back to her,leaning against the counter by her knees and they shared the rolls and chunks of fresh melon between sweet slightly sticky kisses

Eventually they left a tray of crumbs alongside their slowly cooling tea as they went back to bed  though Sakura’s pyjamas and hinata’s kimono didn’t quite make it to the bedroom.

Happy birthday day sakura

And where are the kids no idea

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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