Merlina/Satoshi Birthday

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Narrator pov :

Satoshi and memory were walking in the streets of konoha “i still don't know where your taking” Satoshi said “you'll know when we get there” memory said calmly.

They walked for a anther good 5 minutes “ok are we there yet” Satoshi whined “almost there” memory replied some time later they got to tree “ok just walk to that tree” memory said “why?” “just walk to that F-ING tree” “ok ok chil”

As Satoshi walked to the tree ( the cherry blossom tree ) sakomo walk out from behind the tree with a flower in his hands wich made Satoshi blush

“ i want you to be quiet and listen to me okay” sakomo said satoshi nodded “we've known each other for a long time now the moment i saw you I couldn't take my eyes off of you i might not say it but you mean the word to me you mean everything to me Satoshi” sakomo said as he took a deep breath and continued

“know I may not always say it but I want you to know how much you mean to me I love you more than anything in this world and I am so grateful that I met you and I'm happy that you were always by my side I have been keeping my feelings for you inside for too long I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy i want to spend the rest of my life with you” at this point there were tears in Satoshi' s eyes “Satoshi Haruno Hyuga well you make me the happiest men alive by being my boyfriend”
Sakomo said Satoshi wa speechless he didn't know what to say so he just jumped on to sakomo hugging him tight kissing him

Merlina was coming back from a long mission she was very tired ( yes i forget how to write the other word ) she had completely forgotten her birthday

She opened the front door to her house but it was quiet to quiet for ther house she was kinda worried as she walked into the living room her eyes widen

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY " her family and friends screamed she was so happy she started crying

" big sis please don't cry " akina said worried " don't worry flower there tears of happiness " she told akina and akina started smiling hugging her tight " family huggg " haori screamed her parents laughed as they joined the hug slowly her other siblings joined the hug the happy family hugged as everyone one else watched

Merlina was so happy she couldn't ask for a better family

I took Satoshi's hands and said" happy birthday brother " he smiled and said " happy birthday to you to my little sister " " hey were twins " " yeah but i was born first sooo" " shut up " i said angrily " let's go i wanna eat the cake already " he said while his mouth was watering and he was the older twin he literally acts like a child

God I'm so happy the best night ever


I know it's short sorry

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