Ep. 8. The Ritual

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Skylor started muttering the spell for the ritual and her and Nya started to levitate around two meters high.

A small swirl of water was starting to form between the two girls. The others were on alert in case Max were to come in the middle of the ritual.

Everything stayed dead silent for a minute, the only noise was everyone's breathing and Skylor's low whispering of the spell she memorized like if everything depended on it.

Then they heard the screeching sound of the entrance and they knew Max went was about to enter. The boys prepared for the fight, taking out their weapons.

"Look what we have here" the villain said with an evil grin. "The weak ninja brought a friend to get Nya to her human form. It'd be such a shame if something interrupted this ritual".

The five ninja looked at the two girls behind them. Skylor was staring at the nothingness, like she was in a trance, her eyes changing from amber colour to blue and back. Nya was looking less watery and more human already.

"Don't dare you put a hand on either of them!" Kai yelled.

"And how are you going to stop me?" Max asked with a mocking tone. "You can't beat me".

"Maybe we can't beat you" Lloyd said. "But we can distract you for enough time so Skylor can finish the ritual. Ninja...!"

"GO!" The other four screamed.

They started fighting. The ninja were trying their best but they were on clear disadvantage. They had to avoid constant shots of dark power and also make sure non of those would hit Skylor or Nya.

The ritual looked like it was almost done. Nya looked almost completely human at that point and Skylor's eyes had stopped changing colours.

The only thing was that the small swirl between the two girls had turned into a quite big water tornado.

Then the tornado got out of control and everything started to shake. The computers and machines were falling and shattering to pieces and on the ceiling and walls cracks started forming.

"This place is going to fall down!" Cole yelled.

The tornado exploded and sent Skylor and Nya to different directions. Kai managed to catch Skylor, who was now unconscious, but Nya went too far away and some rocks that were falling down from the ceiling were blocking their way to where she was.

There was no sight of Max at that point, but that wasn't the priority.

"We have to go inside and get Nya!" Jay said.

"At this point there are small chances of finding her with all the dust and rocks" Zane stated.

"It's a matter of minutes before this place falls down completely. We have to go now!"

"I can try to move a few rocks out of the way" Cole said.

"Then what are we waiting for!?" Jay exclaimed.

Zane, Lloyd, Jay and Cole went to search for Nya while Kai put Skylor carefully on the floor outside the cave and any danger, and then went inside with the others.

"Any luck?" He asked, worried.

"I don't sense her on my radar" Zane said.

"We can't give up now!" Jay was on the verge of tears at that point.

Max appeared behind some rocks. He seemed to also be looking for Nya, but when he saw them, he shot his dark power at the ceiling and then ran away.

With that, everything started shaking again and even more rocks started falling.

"We have to get out of here!" Lloyd screamed.

"No! He have to find Nya!" Jay and Kai yelled back.

"Guys. I also don't want to lose her but it'll be no worth if we all die here".

But they didn't listen. Jay went to the right and Kai to the left.

Jay was running and looking everywhere for the minimum sign of Nya.

Then he saw Max trying to find a way out. Jay frowned. He hated that guy but he had to find Nya. That was his priority. Nya went before anything, always.

But he's the reason we're here Jay thought. He took out his weapon and silently went behind Max to attack him by surprise. But as he should had imagined, the villain knew somehow and he turned over and blocked the attack with a sword Jay swore he didn't have before.

Jay tried to attack again but Max pushed him and he lost balance.

"I think you should be looking for your dear Nya" the villain said. "Time passes".

Jay knew he was right. He had to go find his love, but something about that guy made him really angry. It had to be the dark power.

"I'm getting tired of this game and I'm not going to die here because a stupid ninja thinks he can fight me" Max said, and started to shot his power at Jay.

He was able to avoid a few shots, but in the end one hit him right in the face, specifically his right eye, and fell to the ground.

His vision was all blurry but he still could tell that the villain managed found a way out and ran away.

Words: 865

I feel bad for leaving it here but if I don't then the next chapter would be kinda crappy :(

Anyways. Let's talk about the fact that I updated literally three days ago and now I'm updating again.

If I wasn't myself I would think this isn't me. But I've ended the chapter with the biggest cliffhanger of the story.

Well, now I'm going to write the final chapter. I hope to have if soon and maybe make updating often a habit :)


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