The Unexpected

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"It was nice having you over Lexie," said Steve, closing his book.

"It was nice being here! But I should head home now.¨" Said Lexie, grabbing her bag before putting her stuff in it. She then tossed it over her shoulders and stood up.

"Maybe next time you could ask your parents if they'll let you stay the night at my house."¨ Suggested Steve standing up with his books in hand.

"Maybe, bye Steve!¨" Said Lexie waving off to her friend before heading for the door.

"Bye Lexie! See you at school!¨" Said Steve waving back at her. Lexie left her friend's house and headed home.

It was a cold night, Lexie was a young girl who had to be home before midnight and she had a long way to go, and so she decided to take a short cut through the forest since she had no other choice and it was the quickest path.

Lexie hurried down the path and into the dark cold forest. She sprinted through the cold, dark forest on her way home. A monster named Alexandria Manna Lewis, slowly stalks her waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.

As she was walking, Lexie began to feel as though someone was watching her. She grew warily and stopped to look around, but no one was there. She continued to walk.

She soon passed by an odd tree that didn't look like the others. It gave off an unsettling feeling as though the tree itself was whispering to her. Lexie knew she had to go past it, otherwise she'd have to go all the way back from where she came, and that was something she didn't need. And so she walked by it quickly, and started to feel a change in the air.

She began to feel nervous and paranoid so she took out her phone.

She tried to contact her friend who lives close by to see if she could pick her up, but she didn't have a signal.

She thought to herself, It must be all in my head, or it could be an animal or something...

She then heard a stick break- creeeeeak!

She quickly turned around and said, "What was that? Who's there?!"

Nobody responded.

Now she began to worry, so she trailed off the path and into the deepest part of the forest to try and trick whoever was following her (if there really was someone).

She saw a figure run past her. Lexie ran!

She left her bag behind and she soon came across a cave where she then hid inside.

The cave was dimly lit and it was cold and quiet. Soon she hears a leaking sound before footsteps.

Lexie spotted a boulder and ran quickly and quietly over to it and used the stamena she had to leap over it and behind the round boulder that blocked some spaces of the cave corner. She curled up and was panting.

"What *Pant*...Was that?!" She whispered fearfully.

"Why do you hide from me?"

¨Wh-what?¨ Lexie peeked from her hiding spot, and saw light red glowing eyes staring back at her menacingly with her bag in hand.

¨How sweet of you to think of me.¨ It said holding the bag. Lexie didn't move, she was too scared to move. "Does he hear me?" She thought. Just then she heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, until...

"I see you..." Whispered the red eyed monster, Lexie gasped and pushed back. Just then the boulder she had been hiking behind was lifted up. Lexie picked up a stick and held it defensively.

"Mi Amor. (My Love.) Will you be oh so kind as to take my hand in a carefree life full of luxury and peace? We shall rule Megami together, and start a new life, full of joy and happiness, rather than fear and gloom. Steer clear from your shell of secrets, and open up to the world. For what may seem unfamiliar will surely surprise you." Said Alexandria Manna Lewis setting the boulder aside.

"H-how did you lift that up?! And what are you talking about? Who even are you?!'

"I see your mind is troubled, so I shall introduce myself so your thoughts may cease and your mind set at peace. My name is Alexandria Manna Lewis, I'm a red eyed monster with sharp fangs and lethal claws. But fear not, for I'm not like the rest, for I'm a friendly lonely king who's always misunderstood.

My kingdom is Magami, and your design has caught my sight. What I'm trying to say is, I'm in love with you. I've always been watching you, and have grown feelings for you. Which is why I've asked you to take my hand, Mi Amor."


"So, what do you say?"

"...I'm not too sure..."

To Be Continued...?

Sorry for the cliffhanger. But that's all I managed to write. I'll continue on my free time maybe, but then again I don't know. I hope you all liked it though as it's gonna be my first short story.

Until next time...SEE YA!

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