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Soz, writer's block. Don't murder me but Britain isn't dying yet

"Bless me father for I have sinned. It's been a year since my last confession."

Every Catholic is expected to do confession atleast once a year to receive the sacrmanet of reconciliation, that includes him. It consists of entering a confessional with a priest on the other side, he can't see you, and you can't see him, making confessing to your sins easier. It's supposed to absolve you of your sins and free you, in a way.

When he was at school, he would attend mass with his classmates and go to confession atleast twice a month. Every year, he would refuse to confess. His teachers grew frustrated, asking why he couldn't be honest. He said,

"Because I have no sins to confess to."

That was a lie, of course. He just didn't want to expose himself.

Eventually, his teachers forced him in the confessional, saying that everyone was a sinner. Convinced he had nothing to say, Vatican lied to the priest. Now, he did so because he had an image to maintain, and even then, he didn't think anything he did was wrong.

"I hurt someone. I don't think they can forgive me,"

Vatican knew the confessor on the other side. Anyone would know who it was. It was Canada, with his shaking voice and tendency to voice crack at awkward moments. Vatican almost forgot Canada was a Catholic, even if he was only by name.

"Why do you think you hurt them?" Vatican replied, leaning closer to the wall. Every time someone confessed, it was pretty boring. Got in a fight with your mother? Accidentally made someone mad? Broke a family heirloom? The usual. Maybe this would be more interesting.

"Britain told me not to meet up with him or text him about the cases anymore because he didn't want to get himself killed"-sniffle-"but I was mad that he would give up so soon, so I yelled at him for not caring about America or what he would've wanted. I also called him selfish."


"He agreed with me and said I was too soft to handle a case like this anyways, that it was better to be selfish than stupid."

Vatican thought about this. Was Britain really cutting people off about the murders? If so, did that mean he was working alone, or was he working at all? A person like him could be dangerous.

"Did he... tell you if he was working on the cases?"

"Hmm... he did tell me that he won't do what America or China did. So maybe."

Vatican felt a rising sensation of worry, smiliar to that when he first faced America. Unlike him, Britain was reserved and actually paid his taxes, which was odd.

"He's doing the investigation without you?"

"Well he did say it was too dangerous for me,"

Why? Vatican thought. What did Britain have that Canada didn't?

"And it isn't for him?"

"I don't know, sorry."

Hm. Maybe Britain just wanted to assure Canada's safety, and it's not that deep.

"He's a strange one, but he's probably not angry at you, even he knows you mean well."

"So... so what do I do? Do I apologise? Do I talk things out?"

"Understanding the situation is the first step, accountability whilst seeing their perspective is the second, the third is action. Do both. If he doesn't want to talk to you, then atleast apologise and then leave him. It shows you atleast tried,"

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