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"You know Jack Bosses will be there," Katy whispers into my ear, the words hitting me in my brain, making my body stop processing for half a second, then running back up. My crush since fifth grade will be there?
Should I go? No.
"Really? Cool," I shrug off, grabbing two plates of raspberry jello, two extra large cookies and a bottle of Sprite. I move down the line.
We were at lunch, my favorite period and place in this whole school. The cafeteria junk food wasn't even bad- why not stock up?
"C'mon, Lindsey! It's the last party of the year until summer, and you're obsessed with him!" She cries, only picking up one plate of jello, no cookies, and some water.
"I'm sorry, but you know parties aren't my thing," I pass a twenty dollar bill to the lunch lady, only getting back five dollars, I ask how much another cookie would be.
"Two dollars," she says, laughing like this was a joke. Her accent was deep Russian. "would you like-"
"Yes," I cut her off, Katy nudges me, having a very shocked plastered look.
"Stop eating so much! You'll get fat!" She cries like it's her problem.
It's not, so shut the fuck up bitch.
"For your information, I have a fast metabolism. Shut the fuck up," I bark at her, passing my money back to the lady, holding up the line of people waiting to check out for food. I say keep the change, trying to walk as fast as possible to my seat without disturbance from that witch [Katy].
"I can only go to the party if you come!" Katy cries following behind me to an empty table out of the hundreds in the cafeteria.
I plop down, and start on the jello. I cut it open with my fork, watching it wobble, I chuckle. "I'll be the back up, only there for your sake," I spit, now taking a big piece on my fork, chugging it down my throat within an instant.
"Would you come if I buy you cookies?" She proposes, going down and deep in her handbag, holding up a fifty dollar bill.
"How much cookies?" I eat the whole jello, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes.
"Twenty-five, two for one right?"
"Deal," I seal the deal, picking the fifty dollars out of her hands, happily rocking my way to the cashier, robbing all their cookies.
Maybe I did go for the cookies, but my main goal is to finally talk to Jack Bosses.
the photo is from Google, [totally pro], I have no clue on who the girl is, but that's the "face" that Lindsey has, not exactly the girl but that's an inspiration- until or if I find someone who would be Lindsey. She has green eyes, freckles, and brown hair:)

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