I Will Rescue You.

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For the next two days Stiles rested to ensure he would have enough energy to do what he has to do - bring a whole werewolf back from the dead to the land of the living. Yeah no pressure there. At all.

The sheriff and Eli got to get to know one another better. They already know each other because it's a small town and he is Derek's son. And he keeps stealing that damn jeep. But this is also his grandson. He wants to create a bond between them.

"It makes sense now."

"What does?" Liam asks curiously.

"Why Eli kept taking that damn jeep. It makes sense now."

"Well, now that it's mine I won't have to steal it anymore."

"It's what now?" Stiles raises an eyebrow at his dad.

"After Derek died I gave Eli the keys. It's like a symbol of sorts. That jeep never stopped or stayed down. And that is how every single one of us here saw him. He never gave up even when he was bloody and beaten down."

'Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.' Stiles repeats in his head as he swallows thickly. "I-I was going to give it to him when he turned sixteen anyway. Like the way you gave it to me at that age."

"Really?" The boy asks astonished.

"Yes. But no more driving or stealing it until you are sixteen, mister. I mean it. I'll be the hard ass dad on this one."

Eli nods enthusiastically. "Okay. Yeah. Promise."

"What exactly are you going to drive?" Isaac questions.

"Well for work I'm driving the SUV, obviously. Then I was thinking about stealing Der's Camaro since he likes driving that soccer dad car of his so much."

"And you lecture me about stealing cars." His son huffs.

"Listen, it's a travesty. A complete and utter travesty that no one is driving that beautiful car. Your dad looks so hot in that thing."

"Oh. my. god! Stop! I do not want to hear you moaning about dad."

"Remind me to never and I mean ever be in that car as the same time as Stiles." Cora wrinkles her nose in distaste. She might just be sick. "Or my brother for that matter."  

"You might not want to be in the same house as them." Peter adds as an afterthought.

"Hey, I told you not to come back to my apartment. That was your fault, creeper."

"I'll forever be haunted by the sight and sounds I heard." The eldest wolf shutters.

Stiles threw a pillow at Peter's face.


Two days flew by. Stiles feels rested but he is full of nervous energy. (Who could blame him, really?) This has to work. Everyone showed up at casa Stilinski tonight. Including Deaton.

"You ready for this, Stiles?" Scott is the one to ask his best friend.

"I hope so."

"Do you really think this is possible?" Mason questions. "I mean, how is it possible to just bring someone back from the dead?"

"If Mr. Stilisnki believes it can happen it will. Anything is possible in this life, Mr. Hewitt."

"Okay." Stiles starts. "I want Eli to stay here. Theo and Jackson could you both stay with him? This full moon won't be easy for him. Help him through it. Keep him company."

"What? No way! I'm coming with you. He's my dad!"

"He is." Stiles nods in agreement. "And if anything goes wrong I don't want you there."

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