Meeps walked along the sidewalk with her best friend gen so they could go to where gen worked she was helping him out today
When the show started gen started doing tricks and other stuff that gen does
Tsukasa was the guest on the show today hes the strongest primate high schooler
She sat there and looked at him he was so handsome he was beautiful he sat down beside meeps and smiled at her
I'm shishio tsukasa he said but you can call me tsukasa meeps smiled and giggled softly I'm meeps it's nice to meet you gen turned around and smiled at tsukasa and meeps
I have two special guests today meepsyu yagi but you all can call her meeps and shishio tsukasa but you guys can call him tsukasa
Let's begin our show shall we said gen after a while the show ended meeps and tsukasa went out for a while and just hung out before his next fight he told her to wait for him and that he would win his next fight for her
Meeps knew that he was showing off too her and that he was trying to impress her it was kinda obvious that he liked her
As time went by meeps and tsukasa got closer and closer they were in love
years went by meeps and tsukasa were talking they talked for hours then they had a disagreement and it turned into an argument tsukasa stormed off and left meeps at the table where they were having a date meeps walked off in tears
Weeks went by and meeps was walking to tsukasas next fight with some flowers when a strange light appeared and turned everyone to stone
3700 years later all the buildings were gone and there were no signs of civilization meeps was unpetrified and looked up at her best friend gen
She smiled and started to tear up gen! She said and hugged him how long has it been?
Gen smiled it's been 3700 years he talked with her for a few hours then he looked at her I gotta go back
Go back where gen? She asks gen smiles I'm going back to tsukasa meeps eyes go wide and she tears up again tsukasa is still alive? Yes he is says gen come with me she follows holding flowers for tsukasa
He leads her to the miracle cave and there he was tsukasa when he seen meeps he stood up and rushed to her he held her close
Tsukasa I- don't speak he said hiding the face he had tears in his eyes I'm- shhh he said he just sat there holding her I'm so happy to see you again he said while holding meeps meeps held onto tsukasa and just started to cry quietly...
meeting him ( a tsukasa x meeps story )
Fanfikcethis is how meeps and tsukasa met and more