Chapter 6

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I told the other members everything that had happened as soon as we got home.

"This is all so confusing.", EunMi said and I nodded. "Now let's get to the real questions.", HyunAe said and looked at me.

"Who do you like the most?" They all started giggling and looked at me. I buried my face in my hands and shook my head.

"Tell us!" "No!" They were about to tickle me but luckily my phone rang.

I quickly picked it up and locked myself in the bathroom before I answered the call.

"Hello?" "Hey, MinHee! It's me, Jungkook." "Oh, hi!" He didn't say anything for quite some time.

"Is there a special reason you called me?", I asked, trying to break the awkward silence. "I just wanted to hear your voice, that's all.", he said and I could hear him chuckle a little. "Oh." That's all I said. Just 'oh' accompanied by another two minutes of complete silence.

"Jungkook, whom are you calling?" That was Jin's voice. I would always recognize his sweet voice. I really liked it. Almost as much as I liked Yoongi's voice but this is not about that.

"MinHee, why?" "Tell her I said hi and make sure you don't talk too long, dinner is almost ready!" I giggled a little.

He really was like a mother to all the members. "Jin says hi.", he said and I snickered. "I guess I have to hang up." "I think so too." "It was nice hearing your voice.", he said and I giggled a little. "It was nice to hear yours too.", I replied and now he chuckled. "Bye!" "Bye!" I put the phone into my pocket before I unlocked the door to the bathroom, revealing the members to me.

They all grinned and pulled me back into the living room, sitting me down on the couch.

"Who was that?", ChoHee asked, nearly exploding with curiosity. "Jungkook.", I replied and all I got as a response was a long 'Awww'.

My stomach growled and I stood up, using my hunger as an excuse to escape from my not so sane members. But hey, I was crazy too.


"Well done, ladies!", our choreographer said after a successful session of repeating the choreography for our title song over and over.

We were too exhausted to build coherent sentences, so the only response he got were a few tired 'Yay's.

The others slowly walked out of the studio but I stayed and continued practicing.

I was in the middle of trying to do the split as someone walked in. I turned my head, slipped and accidentally did the perfect split.

"Wow!" Jin started applauding but hurried over to me as I fell to the side, whining in pain.

I pressed my knees to my chest, laying on the cool floor of the studio. He helped to sit up and showed me a sheepish smile. "Are you okay?", he asked and I slowly nodded my head.

"But the split looked amazing." I laughed and he smiled. "Thanks. Why are you here anyways? You normally are practicing your singing around this time.", I said and looked at my watch to check the time. "You noticed?", he asked and seemed a little embarrassed.

Just now I noticed that that must have sounded pretty strange and I could literally feel the awkwardness developing.

"I wanted to ask you if you could help me improve my dancing.", he said and I gave him a surprised look. "Sure, but why didn't you ask Jimin or Hoseok? They are better at dancing than me, besides I'm mostly doing girl group dances and you only dance boy group dances.", I said and saw how his face turned a little pinker with every word that left my lips.

"Because they'd make fun of me.", he admitted and I smiled, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Then let's get started!", I said and jumped up.

I was a little too enthusiastic about this whole thing and felt a stinging in my thigh as I jumped up. "Ouch!" I held onto Jin for support and he put his hands on my hips to give me more stability.

"Are you sure you can dance?", he asked and I nodded my head. "And if I hurt myself you are going to take care of me, aren't you?", I asked and he laughed.

"Of course." "Let's get started!" He let go of me and I told him to stretch and also warm up his muscles.

He did everything I told him too. "Do you know the choreography for our new title track Danger?", he asked and I titled my head from side to side. "More or less, why?" "I need your help with some parts of the dance.", he said and I nodded.

"Do you think you can show me?", I asked and he replied with a hesitated nod and a rather doubting look.

"Music?" He nodded and I started the music. He started dancing. "Where does he need my help?", I asked myself as I watched him.

I've seen the choreography one or two times and I couldn't see any mistakes in his movements. The song ended and he turned around. "I don't know why you need my help. I didn't see any mistakes.", I said and he walked towards me, a small smile playing with his lips as he looked onto the floor.

"And you know that you don't make any mistakes!", I said and could see that my conclusion was right because he couldn't hide his grin.

"You're right, Sherlock." The 'Sherlock' at the end made me giggle. "Thank you, Watson.", I said with my best British accent.

"What is the real reason you came here today?", I asked, without the horrible British accent.

A slight smirk appeared on his face and he walked towards me. I tried to keep a normal distance between his and my body by waking backwards until my back hit the wall.

He continued walking until my chest touched his. "You.", he whispered into my ear.

My hands laid on his chest and I tried to bring more distance between him and me. But regardless of my effort of trying to push him away, he just pinned my hands against the wall, directly over my head.

With only one hand. His other hand laid on my cheek and he stared deeply into my eyes. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I felt the tip of his nose brush my neck and his breath hit my skin, sending thousands of electric shocks throughout my body.

"Jin!" That was the voice of Namjoon. Jin let go of my hands and took a step back. "I'll see you later.", he said and winked at me before he walked out of the studio.

I could hear him talking with Namjoon. Then Namjoon walked in and smiled at me. I returned the smile, trying to conceal the fact that I was completely confused and absolutely flustered.

"Wanna eat some ice cream?", he asked and I nodded my head. He grinned. He knew how much I loved ice cream and took my hand in his, walking out of the studio.

The Kissing Thief (A BTS fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now