2 (re-upload)

254 6 19

Offer accepted

Your pov-

I decided to accept the offer i had nothing else to do ,i mean If they accept me that's great!
I can make more friends?
Well that is if i don't get body shamed.

Enough worrying about my weight!
That's not important....i think?

They said to meet them in some mansion..is it old? Whatever does not matter.

I clicked yes officially in my phone as it started sending me the actual location.

I got ready and took a mini snack to over there.

I followed exactly what the gps said and saw a few people.

I covered myself a bit more from my insecurities and continued walking well that is until i bumped into someone.
I fell on my bottom closing my eyes from the small pain.

"Sorry about that!" A male said as i opened my eyes to see a hand being offered.
Wouldn't i be hard to lift?
I took it as the male picked me up .

"Im really sorry for bumping into you" he said as i saw his face with a bit of red.
I noticed he had round glasses,black hair and a awkward smile.
"It's alright" i said as i took my hand away from his noticing I've been holding it longer.

"See you around?" He said as i nodded and he ran to do what he was originally doing.
I continued walking to the direction and at last after 12 minutes I've arrived tiredly.
I saw some male with weird hair , his hair looked pretty symmetric.
He looked like an important type of guy like a business man type .

I saw as his eyes stared into mine
I got a bit nervous as he started walking towards me.

"You must be (y/n) (l/n)?" He said .

"Yes,you are? " i responded as he grabbed my hand and kissed it making me a bit flustered at his gesture.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms (l/n) , you look quite beautiful and the name is Atticus"

"Oh um thx! You look as good yourself too" i nervously smile.

"So I've heard from a worker of mine that you've accepted our offer? "

I nodded as he lead me inside the mansion.
"Yea" i chuckled nervously following him from behind.

"Great! So you speak Latin?" He opened a room door as well both entered i saw it was a long hallway with something at the end of it in the middle.

"Yea I've actually learned it 5 years ago" i said nervously as i heard both our footsteps echoing mixed with the quietness.

"Now we will say we offer anything you'll like we just need you to sign here" he said smiling as we got to the end of the room.

I saw a paper laid there it looked pretty old but it didn't bother me.
Next to it i saw a pen of some sort with a sharp end.

"What are the benefits?" I said trying to read the cursive writing.

It looked like my doctor's writing...i couldn't read at all.

"Anything really a better life, satisfied with your interest,money,loved ones , protection and did my worker mention we had unlimited snacks?" He said as that caught my attention .

"Hmm sounds good " i said grabbing the pen.

"This may pinch a bit " he said as he stuck the pen sharp end on my finger softly cutting me and collecting my blood.
I felt as if someone were to be behind me ...not just someone but multiple?

I signed were he pointed as i placed my finger in my mouth to stop the bleeding and small pain.
"There!" I smile as he grabbed the paper.

"Nice to have a new member in our cult... everyone meet (y/n) (l/n) out newest member " he said as i turned to see a variety of red clothed people.

I knew this was sketchy...i guess I'm in a cult now..

I saw as the Bowed and 2 came with the same colored robe and handed it to me.
Another came and gave me this weird symbol ring and small necklace.

Why a ring?

"Let us celebrate just a little for our newest member take off your hoods now don't be rude " he said as i saw them take off their hoods i saw many faces as Atticus had a glass of what seemed wine before the lights went off and changed to candles.

"This will be your first " he said as everyone circled around me .

I stood there a bit worried as my heart beated faster as someone placed the robe but not the hood.

"What are they planning?"



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