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(K'yorl is 6 years old)

K'yorl's Pov

I looked around to make sure my father wasn't around.

Once I knew I ran to my mom's room and walked in.

"Mother how are you feeling today"? I asked

"I'm feeling a little bit better". She said coughing

I noticed she coughed up some blood.

I give a look of sadness.

"Mother". I said

"Yes K'yorl"? She asked

"Are you dieing"? I asked

"I'm afraid so but nothing to worry about okay K'yorl everything will be okay". She said bring me into a hug

Tears start to roll down my face.

"I love momma". I said

"And I you". She said

"K'yorl you have so much love, light and kindness in your heart don't let anyone take that from you". She said

"Okay momma". I said laying down on her chest hugging her

And layed on her chest as heart starts to slow down.

Then it stops.

Tears start to pour down from my eyes and I hear the bedroom door open.

"K'yorl come with me". Said my aunt tulip

I held on tighter to my mom as I was getting pulled away from my mother.

"K'yorl you have to let go she's gone". Said aunt tulip

The guards finally gets me to let go.

"No please no I don't want to leave I want to Stay". I yelled

My aunt then brings me into her arms.

"Shh it's okay dear it's going to be alright okay". She said trying

"Quit your crying you stupid child". Said my Father

"Sebastian he just lost his mother have some remorse". Said Aunt Tulip

All of the sudden I was knocked out of my Aunt's arms.

"Don't you ever speak to me like that you wicked woman get out of my house". Said my father

"K'yorl shall be coming with me". Said Aunt tulip

'He will not guards get this woman out of my house Oh and tulip if you ever come back here I will have you killed on the spot". Said my father

Aunt tulip was then thrown out.

3rd Pov

Tulip was walking away from her nephew home when all of the sudden a arrow was shot in her chest.

After she realized what happened another arrow shot her in the head.

K'yorl father Sebastian looked at her with a smirk while holding a crossbow.

Timeskip four year's later

K'yorl's Pov

"You stupid brat I told you be quiet and do what I asked of you". Yelled my father holding his Cain

"I'm sorry father but I can't". I said looking at the rabbit he wanted me to kill for spell

All of the sudden I was knocked down and started getting beaten by a Cain.

"Worthless Brat you can't do nothing so now I will kill you". He said removing the cover on his Cain revealing a sword

I stared in shock.

He then starts to get ready to slash me until.

"No"! I yelled feeling something snapping inside of me

I then blacked out.


K'yorl's Pov

I woke up to everything and everyone that was in the room was dead.

I stared in worry and fear of all the dead bodies.

I then stand up and ran out of the mansion and never looked back.

I find myself in a forest.

I then break down on my knees and start crying when all of the sudden I hear someone walk over to me.

"Are you okay"? Asked the person that walked over to me

Iooked at who spoke to see a ginger haired young woman with pointy ears.

"Yeah". I said

"Why are you crying"? She asked

"I lost my whole family I have no there all gone". I said as I continued crying

I was all of the sudden brought into a hug.

"Shh it's going to be okay I am Keyleth what's your name"? She asked

"K.....K'yorl". I said

We then talk for a little while until.

"Hey K'yorl why don't you travel with me"? She asked

"I'll love too". I said excitedly

"Let's go". Said Keyleth

One of a kind: Vox Machina x male child oc Where stories live. Discover now