Please wake up

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Gray's POV

Everything was blurry when I awoke. My head was pounding and it took me a minute to realize I was in the infIrmary. Then it hit me like a brick. Everything that had happened and most importantly, what Mira said about Natsu not recovering. My head jolted around so bad I pulled my neck, but it didn't matter, because right beside me in the bed over, was Natsu. Porlyusica was standing over him, trying her best to heal him.

Happy looked over at me. "Gray you're awake." He walked over toward me and jumped into my chest. The poor kitten was still crying. I had no idea what to do, I was having such a hard time processing everything. So I just held happy in my arms, comforting the small cat. "Gray, please tell me he'll be alright? That's he's going make it?"

"I..." I couldn't talk. It's like I'm not even in this world. My mind is in a trancelike state. This couldn't be real. It's definitely a dream. A nightmare. So why can't I wake up?

"Good, you're awake." Porlyusica said, her eyes staring at my dizzying state. "If you could, make your friend some ice, we need to break this fever before it gets any worse."

"Right" I slowly get up. Come on body hurry up! Natsu needs me! Then when I finally got on my feet, my legs were full of blistering pain. That's right, I practically ice skated fifty miles to get him here. I felt myself fall, but caught myself on the bed. Staggering over to Natsu, I created a towel of ice, gently putting it on Natsu's forehead and made another to put around his neck.

Then I went back to happy and held him. We waited and watched Porlyusica as she feebly attempted to heal Natsu. It felt like hours flew by. Or maybe it was days? I have no clue at this point, all I know is that he can't die. He has to heal. His recovery is vital.

Suddenly the doors bursted open making Happy and me jump out of our skins. "Where's Natsu?" Erza's pounding voice reverberated through the room. Making Happy and me jump again.

"No!" Lucy shrieked, putting a hand over her mouth when she saw Natsu.

"How did this happen?" Cana said surprised

"Oh no!" Levi whispered "Will he be alright?"

"Natsu! Can I heal him with my magic?" Wendy questioned with worry.

Porlyusica glared at them. "Silence all of you. Yes Wendy if you can heal him do so. Unfortunately I don't know if you can do anything. My magic has had no affect on him. The rest of you stay back. One at a time."

Wendy stepped up to Natsu casting her strongest healing spell. "Come on Natsu." Her magic glowed a brilliant green; however, Natsu's condition stayed the same. Panting, Wendy stopped. She knew it was pointless to continue. Tears started forming in her eyes. "Come on Natsu let me heal you."

"It's not your fault child. Whatever magic he foolishly tangled himself in won't let us heal him." Porlyusica comforted Wendy, but she still blamed herself.

Erza stood there staring, then looked at me with a glare, but for some reason when she looked at me, her face softened. "Gray, Happy, can we have the story on what happened? Maybe there's something we could do if we know how this occurred." Her voice was extremely soft. Maybe it was because she saw Happy's melancholy face.

I tried to open my mouth to speak, but for some reason I couldn't. So I just sat there in silence and let Happy tell his story. "Well Natsu and I were really low on cash, so we decided to go on a job to get a little extra cash... Our bellies were rumbling so when we saw unattended food we decided to eat..."

"Let me get this straight. You decided to eat food just laying out in the open? It definitely sounded like a trap, are you serious Happy?" Cana scorned him.

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