Chapter 6: Oops, We Broke The Van

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Flint of the Sinnoh Elite Four surveys the desolate landscape of the Sunyshore City.

Ever since the "Blight" has spread across the whole of Sinnoh, all civilians are urged to stay in their home for the time being, with emergency rations being distributed by league members and volunteers. Flint was naturally assigned to Sunyshore City.

The automated walkways of the city are down, as no one is going to be using them anyway, and with the sun being permanently obscured by the Blight, the solar panels installed at the rooftops of all buildings aren't going to be of much use.

The league members were told to enlist the help of each city's Gym Leader in the distribution for larger cities and towns.

So Flint's truck is currently parked outside the Sunyshore Tower, an impressive behemoth made of reflective panels with two crescent-like wings jutting out of its sides.

He strolls in through the doors and heads up to the top floor, where he finds Volkner kneeling on the ground, dabbling in his usual electrical pursuits.


His longtime friend looks up at him with dull eyes, then turns back to his work.

"You need to help me give out the rations."

"Can't you find someone else?" His voice is low and bleak, as always.

Flint clenches his fists.

The league seems ready to wash their hands off Volkner. Once a very capable Gym Leader whose gym battle involves challengers having to successfully repair a faulty device, Volkner has appeared to have given up on everything in the last few years.

He is now treated almost similarly to Alder – but not quite. At least Volkner mercifully does nothing. Alder just goes around tarnishing the league's reputation.

Regardless, Flint has heard the Parelle League recommending a new Gym Leader for Sunyshore City. Thank Arceus that Cynthia is still putting her trust in Volkner, and instantly dismissed the idea.

But he doesn't know whether the coldly logical Champion will change her mind, what with the recent crisis and increasing pressure from the other league members.

And Flint can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

However, Volkner is someone very precious to him. So even if the rest of the league has given up on him, Flint won't .

"No. You will stand up, right now, and help me with the distribution." Flint says firmly.

"Or?" Volkner asks, hearing the unspoken threat.

"Or I call Cynthia and tell her to shut down Sunyshore Tower."

For the first time in their conversation, a deadly spark comes to life in Volkner's muted eyes. "You won't."

"Oh, trust me, I will. Besides, this tower doesn't provide for all the electricity supplied to the city. You built another one, right? I'm sure the city can cope without the tower for a few days, or even weeks." Flint smiles grimly.

But you can't.

Sunyshore Tower is Volkner's escape. And it's time to put an end to it.

Volkner tosses aside the circuit tester and stands wordlessly.

Flint supposes a silent agreement is better than a direct rejection.

The pair exits the tower, and Flint catches Volkner's minute grimace at the darkened sky.

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