Chapter 7: The Sacrifice

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"I am fire and I am red, I live inside all men's head. keep me in check in your darkest time, because I'll be there and you'll be blind"

Fire, everywhere. People screaming. Demon's torturing humans around a big dark castle. The kingdom of hell. In the crypt of the castle there's thousands of rooms. All of the room has the same person inside, a child. Rose, right after she killed her parents. All of them are being experimented by lucifer. Lucifer is trying to make an antichrist without john. lucifer is one of a being that could see all time and universe at the same time and doesn't have another version of himself. One of the rose, the present rose caught him off guard, manages to steal the time and space pendant and escape.

Azazeth offers lucifer to find her but lucifer lets present rose to escape and flip a coin in the empty cage. He enters another room with azazeth, the room is different then the others. More like a child room with flowers and dolls. He said to azazeth not to worry because he's about to finish this version of rose, the true perfect creation, his favorite. But because his plans is in jeopardy because the escape rose, he rushes to send his perfect rose to earth and orders her to spread lies and deception against god.

But what lucifer doesn't know is this rose is far too perfect to create a global destruction event, she could but she won't for moral reason. So, when she sent to earth she made a kingdom in the south sea and named herself queen, and to protect it she creates a dome and because she's near perfection, she's strong enough to keep lucifer out of her kingdom. Hence making her the future rose.

Knowing what future rose had done this angers lucifer, he rushes to one of the room. Inside of it is another child rose. In anger he injects her the same ingredient as the future rose but reduce it a bit so she will obey lucifer. When present rose learns about his real father, he came back to lucifer not knowing what to do about her life. Impulsively lucifer made a plan b. He orders present rose to use her pendant to manipulate john according his plan, a new ingredient for the creation of an antichrist.

Back to present time

"you are not yet a champion of hell" said present rose to john

"there's still time to make this right" said future rose

"there's no escaping it, one last step" said child rose

"shut up shut up shut up!" scream john blasting an energy blast that temporarily stunts everyone surrounding him

Child rose

He took his son and conjures a portal and ran into it escaping them. He arrived on a lake with his baby in his arm. He uses his magic to heal his wounds from the fight against the angels. From a few meters in front of him opens a portal. Though it walks child rose holding a teddy bear.

"you saw the vision john, the future, what this world could've be" said child rose

"born out of blood" said john

"if you won't become the champion, I will" said child rose

"you're a child, you're nothing"

"you sure?" said child rose, her eyes turns to fire just like john

She floating to the sky, before john could attack her she grabs her teddy bears hand lifting it and suddenly johns hand lifting upwards. Child rose is using her teddy bear to control john. when john wants to use his other hand child rose grabs his hand.

"yield john, you could never win this fight"

"never" said john

Child rose stabs her teddy bear, hurting john. John drops the baby in panic child rose flew right into the baby to rescue him freeing john from her spell. Child rose lands roughly on the ground holding the baby, john puts his pendant on child rose forehead. Making her feel the pain and suffering of all souls at the end of the world.

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