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 Jack is jealous of Jeff and his successful business. He decides to open his own shop with Hide's help to beat him and make him quit.


Since Jeff began his small business he raised a ton of money for his college. All sorts of players started visiting his shop in order to gather useful items, helping them survive from the other entities.
And I was jealous. My only function at the hotel was mostly annoying the shit out of humans, making them trip over their own feet.
I wanted to be able to afford college as well, but screaming out of the wardrobe gave me no income. Unless I stole some coins from the players which I was most of the time too late for.
So I decided that I want to become a competition for Jeff and give it a try as well, check if it will do any good for me.

It was a crowded and stormy night at the hotel. I was waiting for that day for a week since I wanted to get a good start. The more people, the bigger the chances of them buying something.
I "borrowed" loot from the players that I knocked out, in hope for it to be worth anything. I got a lighter, a crucifix and a ton of bandages.

I jumped into a wardrobe with a bag filled with a variety of different items.

-Hide! - I woke them up from their nap, wanting to share my idea with them.

-What. -The inside of the closet immediately lightened up as they opened their glowing, white eyes. They looked at me, irritated that I dared to interrupt their sleep.

-I need your help. - I threw a bag full of items in their direction. They managed to catch it with their tentacles before it hit the ground.

- And what do you need that for? - They began plundering through it, trying to understand what was going on.

-We are opening our own small business! - I explained enthusiastically, waiting for their reaction.

-Like... Jeff? - Their expression immediately changed to a confused one.

-Yes, exactly! - I laughed thinking about my incredible idea.

-Since Jeff is doing so well with his job, I decided that I want to become his competition and hopefully raise some money for college too!!!- I cheered as I watched Hide's eyes widen in confusion and disbelief. - And you're going to help me with it. - I added.

-You know what, you never stop surprising me. - They replied, in a disappointed tone.

-You are going to help me. - I repeated myself, to let them know that they aren't going to refuse me. I heard them sigh, in helplessness. - We are turning one of your wardrobes into a small shop.

-What. - Disbelief was the only thing visible on their face. -WHAT DO YOU MEAN. LEAVE MY WARDROBE ALONE. -They immediately protested.

-Chill. I will only store my items here. - I calmed them down. - There's no better place for that than our closet.

-Sometimes I love you too much... - Hide mumbled, knowing they aren't going to run away from my ideas.


-What the fuck are you doing? - Figure kept screaming at me as I began pushing one of the wardrobes from the library towards the next room.

-We are making money! - I beamed, hearing Hide struggling to balance themselves inside of the closet. -And since you have so many wardrobes inside of the library, I decided that it wouldn't make a difference for you if I borrowed one.

-You can't just steal my furniture! - He began arguing with me.

-It's my wardrobe and I consented to this... kind of. - Hide screamed from the inside of the wooden box that I kept struggling to push towards the doors.

-I still don't understand what you are about to do, Jack. - Figure was still confused about my plan.

-We are opening our own shop!!! - I explained confidently. - I am raising money for college.

-College? - The more I talked, the more confused he was getting. And I wouldn't blame him. More and more questions began to haunt his mind as I kept talking.-What college? - He kept asking me.

-None of your business right now. - I hissed at him, finally pushing the wardrobe into the next room.-See you later! - I said closing the library doors. The moment that I opened the next door, Jeff's music became blasting through the speakers into my ears.

-Don't even tell me that you are about to open that shop IN FRONT OF HIS. -Hide yelled, the moment they heard me push them into Jeff's room. - You're literally the stupidest entity I ever met. - They growled, disappointed in me.

-But you still love me the most, so shut up. - I protested, while beginning to organise all of my stuff.

-That is true. - Hide said, watching me write a big text saying:

"Jack's and Hide's Shop

I am raising money for college pls help:("

-DON'T WRITE MY NAME UP THERE.-Hide began protesting once again.

-Hello...? - Jeff stared at me. -What... is this...?-He looked as if he couldn't believe his eyes as well.

-I am raising money for college too! -I explained, watching his facial expression get even more disappointed and upset.

-But that's... my job. - He looked pissed.

-Be fucking for real. -I started arguing with him. -You don't own the idea of selling items to players. -He kept looking in my direction, completely resigned.

-What are you even selling? - He tried to give me a chance. I opened the wardrobe and pointed with my hand at a pile of items.-This is literally the same stuff that I sell. -The anger was slowly growing inside of him.

-Get the fuck out. - He pointed with his tentacles at the doors to my right. -GET THE FUCK OUT. -He repeated himself, sending me a death stare. I kept standing where I was, completely untouched by his behaviour.-GET THE FUCK OUT. -He said once again. Throwing a crucifix in my direction.

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