Chapter 1. Morton priory hall

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Not my drawing The sun shone brightly through the dirty window

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Not my drawing
The sun shone brightly through the dirty window. I could hear the gentle creak of floating joe hanging on his chain as he was blown in the hot breeze. The air was heavy and sticky, you could feel it pushing on you, squishing you into a little box so you could barely move. Somewhere in the corner of the room the skull was pulling grotesque faces at holly as she sat filing paperwork on our new cases. News papers and old books scattered across the table making it almost impossible to find a spot to place down the tea I just made without interrupting the train of thought. George was in his area of expertise, scribbling some randomised notes onto the thinking cloth. You could see it in his eyes, how they glittered behind his rounded spectacles, he was enjoying it. I never understood the appeal to reading or research for that matter. I preferred the thrill of the chase, the glinting of the rapier as I pulled it out of my belt and the adrenaline and fear that coursed through your veins when your on a job. That's the part I liked. I could have guessed the same for lockwood to. I glanced at him sitting at the other end of the table sluggishly with his legs propped up on the chair. 'What exactly are we looking for here george?' I asked closing my eyes basking in the beams of warm sunlight.
'You know what we are looking for luce,' he replied,'anything that could connect to the hautings that mrs.Fernsburys staff have been experiencing.'

A few hours earlier, holly had appeared in my room speaking in that annoying sweet voice. 'A woman called Mrs.Fernsbury phoned me this morning for an appointment in twenty minutes.' She chirped in that passive aggressive tone i resented so much, 'Just thought i would let you know.' Of course holly had to look so clean and pristine when i was laying in bed with my messy hair and grey pyjamas. Her hair was in a braided, slicked back bun that looked amazing and her dark skin was glowing and clean. Her clothes, unlike mine , looked fresh and were clearly ironed. Her presence made me want to punch something. 'Cheers.' I growled.

I had proceeded to drag myself out of bed and threw on some mildly presentable clothes. Recently we hadn't had as many cases as usual. This of course was due to the longer brighter days and the hot weather. During the summer everyone forgot about the problem, to busy running around and eating ice cream as if visitors didn't exist. Walking down the stairs i glanced at the door on the landing remembering all the horrors of what had happened in there. I could still here the screams and sobs echoing in my ears making me shudder. I knew it was wrong to have gone in there, knew I wasn't aloud,but i just wanted to know more, to not be kept in the dark.

Mrs. Fernsbury was a rich middle aged woman. She wore a long ugly skirt that had little tiny embroidered flower on the hem. Her hair was up in a poofy hairstyle that I wasn't quite sure of with a silver butterfly head band positioned on top. These type of headbands had become very popular in the protection of non-agents when they were just on the streets, especially after the deadly Chelsea outbreak. She kind of reminded me of holly in a "perfect" and "uptight" kind of way. George had handed around huge slices of chocolate cake (Of course with holly declining). Lockwood sat on the sofa looking at the lady who was now staring at the slab of cake on her lap, waiting for her to start talking. 'So...'he prompted.' What is your issue? You didn't really say much over the phone.'
Mrs. Fernsbury looked up from the her lap over to lockwood. Her eyes were a piercing blue colour, the sort you feel could keep you trapped inside them forever. Her face was covered in wrinkles, so many it could have been a map. She had a very sour looking face with her mouth drawn into a straight thin line. She drew herself up high on the sofa and started to speak.'I have decided to sell a few properties i no longer have use for' she explained,'One of them happening to be the infamous morton priory hall.'
I remembered the name from when i was training with fittes but i didn't know anything about it's By the look on the others face they didn't seem to know it either. 'I wanted to try to get rid of these fairly stubborn visitors as my staff have been refusing to clean can you believe it!' Mrs fernsbury exclaimed. 'I employ these people and pay them decent money and they won't even do what i'm paying them for!' I certainly wouldn't want to work for her I thought to myself. 'Do any of your staff know exactly what they have seen?' Holly asked looking up from her notebook. That was just what i was going to ask. 'They can't get there story's straight. They keep saying how they can sense something following them but when they turn around it's not there.' she scolded 'One of them even said they would hear whispering bloodied hand prints and faces appearing on the walls.'

The convosation went on
very similar to this for about another ten minutes before Lockwood stopping her from speaking by cutting across her. 'Thank you for coming to us' Lockwood said glancing sideways towards us all. I nodded back and assumed george did to. 'We will take the case.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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