Watch the World Burn

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"That's really what he called the song? Watch the World Burn?" Brad thought to himself for a single moment before he sat in front of his webcam and started streaming. He hadn't planned to listen to the song, he didn't even mean to find out the name of it, but during his paid reaction stream someone requested none other than Ronnie Radke's Watch the World Burn.

"Hey guys, my name is Bradley and I have a Brad taste in music," he said announcing what he thought would most likely turn into a video on his channel. As the song started playing his suspense built up, causing him to almost reach levels of anxiety he had never experienced before, but he tried to stay collected for the camera. "Dude you can't make this shit up."

He didn't like to lie, but he couldn't help it. He'd lose all his credibility if he said what he really thought. Bradley was known to make brutally honest reviews so he couldn't tarnish his reputation for this one video. He lied. He knew he'd be ridiculed if he was honest about the fact that, he liked  the song. He didn't only like it, he loved it. It was everything anyone could hope for in a song; a strong beat, a fantastic instrumental with good mixing and most importantly, passion.  As the song ended he took a long exhale. It hadn't felt good to lie, but it was what he had to do.

He was for a second worried what Ronnie would say in response, but then again there was no way in hell that Ronnie fucking Radke would see Brad's review.

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