It was all a dream?

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With his head throbbing like a motherfucker, Bradley woke up in his bed. "What the actual fuck," he thought after realizing that the most realistic dream he's had in his life was being kidnapped by none other than Ronnie Fucking Radke. On his face a soft blush grew, embarrassed over how he so quickly fell for someone he didn't know. I mean before Ronnie, Brad didn't even know he could find men attractive, let alone fall for them.

He wanted to distract himself so he stood up to get dressed, but was hit by gut-wrenching dizziness causing him to sit down again. "Jesus Christ what the hell did I do to my head?" He slowly made his way over to the mirror and saw a horrific looking black eye. "No way in hell I'm leaving the house looking like this," he though to himself, "and how did I even get this?" He spent the day shitposting on twitter and his YouTube community feed, polling his YouTube members, the Brad Army, what album he should react to next even though he knew it'd be a while before he could record again without worrying his fanbase with the atrocious bruising. Even so he couldn't help but think of Ronnie and his beautiful tatted face.

As it got darker outside Brad decided that the only real way he'd be able to distract himself would be by going for a walk. By now hardly anyone would be out and it'd be too dark to see his horrendous bruising.

As Brad walked down his street he couldn't help but feel like someone was following him. He kept looking around him but no one was to be seen. He couldn't shake the feeling, "fuck this," he though and ended up running home.

 As soon as Bradley went through his front door he locked it, but he still felt watched.

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