The room falls silent as the poor blonde is shocked "oh hey, don't be alarmed ok I don't mean you any harm" he quickly makes clear so the boy calms down, Takemichi looks to the side to see the man from before heading their way "hmm oh Kisaki your back a lot earlier then expected" he places the cup on the table in front off the silent blonde. The two boys talk as Takemichi slowly takes the cup and tries not to spill it but with the little grip off he's fingers to cup slips out off he's hands and lands right on he's lap, making him and the couch wet as the cup rolls off him and smashes onto the floor. The two boys go silent before darting their heads towards the know scared and shaking dead Omega 'no no no, shoot' he thought before bowing he's head at them, praying nothing bad will happen.He felt someone gently grab he's hand so he looks up to see the man with glasses and he's smiling, he was gently tugged to he's feet "take care off this Hanma" he demands as he takes Takemichi up to the bathroom before getting him new clothes to change into "in that pill is a baggy shirt and some running shorts but if you want something else then just ask" he says before leaving the boy to change, this confused Takemichi to he's core but nevertheless he changes out off the wet clothes before leaving the bathroom and heading downstairs. He walks over to the two men in the kitchen and bows "I wanna say thank you for helping me, My name is Takemichi but you already know that" the two men just smile "it's my pleasure to meet you Takemichi, my name is Kisaki and this is Hanma. He's like my friend or follower" he explains.
Takemichi nods before joining them, they sign for a while before ordering food and they finally saw the adorable smile off the blonde, Kisaki looks at Hanma "if he's smile is so cute then he's voice must be too" he whispers to try not to attract Takemichi's attention and Hanma nods before gently tapping Takemichi, he looks up confused "take-chan, can you speak?" He asks, Takemichi slowly looks down before opening he's mouth and only coming out with horrible sounding squeaks before shaking he's head "since I couldn't hear and my brother never knew until it was too late I never learned how to speak" he lowers he's hands as the boys give each other a look. "Don't worry Takemichi, we will help you learn how to speak and help with your hearing" this makes the boys eyes widen before he starts crying.
And sure enough the boys kept their word, everyday for the past month and a half they brought Takemichi hearing aids and are teaching him how to speak witch is going quite well. He can say mostly small words and some big words but he needs more time and practise cause it will take longer then nearly two months to learn to speak.
It was about half a year later when Takemichi learned how to speak but during this time he totally forgot about he's brother, he's originally friends and he's love for Mikey cause the boys never let him outside other then in the garden but today was the day they planned to take him outside. Takemichi runs around like a headless chicken getting ready, grabbing he's bag, everything he needs in it as well as he's hearing aids "Hanma have you seen my clip?" He still has a slight lisp and slightly longer hair but he pops he's head round the living room door "hmm uhhhh have you tried the bathroom under the sink?" He replied making the boy dart for the bathroom "AHHHH HANMA YOU SMART COOKIE" he yells making the boy smile.
They were finally in the main shopping area and Takemichi was loving it, running in and out off shops while buying small things well mainly plushies to add to he's collection when someone he once knew stands still just outside the shop wide eyed before pulling out their phone and calling people. Takemichi skips out the shop with Kisaki and Hanma close behind when a sudden group blocks their path, all eyes widen as one tall man crys, Takemichi freezes. "N-No....Takemichi..." he speaks as more tears fall down he's face "I told you....I told you it was him but look" Emma points "it must have been Hanma who took him all those months ago" the two boys freeze and try to plan an escape "Takemichi you alive....I thought you were dead" he slowly walks forward, a tear falls down he's face seeing he's once older brother finally cry.
Kisaki and Hanma couldn't take it no more so without thinking Kisaki grabs Takemichi's arm as Hanma punches Draken before running with Kisaki dragging Takemichi closes behind, Draken is shocked by the sudden punch and doesn't realise he's brother is being taken away from him again but another wasn't having it "TAKEMICHI" he yells making the blonde stop and turn around to face the know black haired boy "WE LOST YOU ONCE, WE CANT BEAR TO LOOSE YOU AGAIN SO PLEASE COME BACK WITH US" he yells, praying all he's efforts don't go to waist. It was then that he remember Takemichi was dear 'shit' he thought as he saw Takemichi turn to the guys "look..." he says in a sad but sweet voice "I know how you feel about me but if you love me please let me go" Kisaki looked sad but he knew as soon as he saw he's old love and he's brother he would loose him so he smiles and nods.
Takemichi bows before turning and running towards the boy he loves and he's brother, tears falling down he's face "BROTHER, MIKEY" he yells making their eyes go wide before getting tackled to the ground "I'm home...I've missed you guys" he says in their ears making the boys cry "we missed you too".
The trouble off a deaf Omega
أدب الهواةO/Takemichi x A/Mikey Takemichi Ryuguji, Drakens younger twin brother. Draken has many rules for Takemichi to follow not because he's protective well I mean yeah he is but it's also cause Takemichi is an Omega while he's a Alpha. Not only that Takem...