Chapter 6(unedited)

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Hey guys!!! Sorry that I haven't updated in 4ever, but I just haven't been feeling it. Ya know? Anyways here is the new chapter, and please tell me if you like it or not. Like tell me if this is to short/ to long or if you like the way it is written or not. Thanks for those who pestered me to update it means a lot to me!

Btw, Moony if your reading this, I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean to say what I did so please talk to me. And please tell Leader that I did not do it! I fucking swear it wasn't me! Anyways I'm really sincerely sorry right now, and I hope that you can forgive me. You know how much I love you, and not having you in my life hurts. </3~

*Chapter Start*

The room was shrouded in unending silence. Seconda felt like hours to the two men and young hybrid boys. The two men stood in the farthest corner, and made sure to keep quiet and still lest the crazy human-looking hybrid decided to attack them too.

Finnian and Rin stood in the center of the room, only a few feet separated the two angry hybrids. Finnian's tail was lashing behind him, and his ears were pinned to his head. "I don't know, why don't I use you as an experiment and we can see for ourselves?" he hissed out. Rin stood stock still with his glare transfixed on Finnian.

Another moment of tense silence passed, and Rin's passive glare was starting to grate the others nerves. Driven by anger, Finnian rushed forward. His claws aiming for Rin's throat, and his teeth bared and ready to bite on any thing that got too close. But before he could land a hit on Rin he froze in place, his claws just mere centimeters from plunging into Rin's throat.

From were the two men sat, they could not see the reason as to why Finnian had suddenly stopped. But when Rin turned and threw the limp body towards them it was easy to see the damage that was inflicted on the hybrid. Finnian's limp body fell with a thump in front of them, and the two men gasped in horror. Across Finnian's neck were long, jagged claw marks. The amount of crimson liquid that was quickly spilling onto the floor was alarming, but what alarmed them even more was the fact that the beast that caused the wound was heading their way.

Samuel tightly gripped onto Mr. Smith's arm and began to cry. "I don't want to die. I don't want to die. Please don't kill me, I don't want to die!" he screamed out in panic. Within moments, Rin was looming over their crouched forms. "Who's time is nearly up? I wonder..." he mumbled out. Slowly, he lowered himself towards the two men before reaching out towards Mr. Samuel. "D-don't you dare touch him!" came a raspy voice. When Rin turned around, he sighed in exasperation. There was Finnian standing with the support of the wall, but still making his way towards Rin. "Don't you dare touch my master!" he yelled out.

Finnian pushed off the wall and ran towards Rin, but this time Rin smiled and charged him too. The sound of skin hitting skin and claws and teeth clanking together resounded in the small office. The hybrids moved with such agility and speed that they were barely seen by the two men. The only thing that reminded them that the fight was going on were the sounds and the blood that was splattering all around them. Though they could not tell whose it was, they highly doubted that any of the blood belonged to Rin.

Earlier it was easy to see that Rin outclassed Finny in fighting, but currently Finnian was holding his ground against the other. Things continued like this for a while before Mr. Smith got an idea. ' Since they are to preoccupied with each other, maybe I can reach the office phone to call for some help.' He thought to himself. Mr. Smith waited a few moments before slowly walking towards his desk. When he had successfully made it, he hid underneath the dark wood and dialed in the number for security.

After he hung up, he let out a sigh of relief before peeking over the desk. Sure enough the two were still fighting, but they were going slower now. Glancing over to where Mr.Samuel was, he was surprised to see that the man was knocked out. "Fuck, I hope he doesn't sue us over this..." mumbled Mr. Smith to himself as he continues to watch the two hybrids fight. By now they were both bleeding from multiple lacerations, but neither seemed ready to give up. Even so, it was clear that Finny was the most injured and would most likely lose this fight.

His once organized office was a mess, and quite frankly looked as though a tornado (potato :D) had flown threw the room. Furniture was clawed to pieces and strewn throughout the room, some were upside down and shredde so much it looked more like it was meant to be curtains. There were holes in the walls, and his expensive glass vases and paintings were all destroyed. Normally he would be mad, but seeing on he would be dealing with two deranged hybrids and could possible lose his life, he was content with containing his anger. Though he did make a mental note to make Rin clean this all up later.

Before long, around twenty or so men busted through the door with their black armor and guns pointed at the hybrids, who chose to ignore the men and continue fighting. "Don't just stand there, tranquilize them!" yelled Mr.Smith. Bevause of course instead of doing their job, the security team was just standing there watching the two hybrids fight. And Mr. Smith was sure he heard somebody whisper "I bet $20 that the black haired one will win."

The security team stood and debated who would get to tranquilize the hybrids, but they were quickly interrupted by Mr. Smith, who had marched over to the men, took one of their tranquilizer guns and promptly shot both Rin and Finnian. They had to wait a while for the drug to kick in, but sure enough, both Rin and Finnian fell to the ground. Finnian was knocked out quickly, but Rin on the other hand was still struggling. "I refuse to go down ye-" before he could finish, he was shot with a second tranquilizer dart and he promptly fell asleep.

Mr. Smith breathed a sigh of relief as it was finally all over. Some men had come in and taken the hybrids to some holding cells, and a nurse was currently tending to Mr. Samuel. Plus there were some men fixing up his office. Mr. Smith was glad.. no ecstatic that it was over, though he wasn't looking forward to what was to come later. Not only might Mr. Samuel sue him, but he might also demand to have Rin and Finnian put down. Mr. Smith didn't much care for Finnian, but it took forever to get the required ingredients to make Rin, and they would never be able to steal the needed ingredients ever again. So he would be damned if he was going to let them take away his prized experiment so easily. So even if he had to sell his soul twice over, he would not let them take Rin until he concluded the experiment over a and gave the final word to have Rin exterminated. But until then, Mr. Smith planned to raise hell... to bad things never go as planned.

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