Tiny Dancer Pt.2

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Music was filling his veins. This was exactly why Sam was a musician. He loved being on stage, getting into the flow. Jazz was exactly that: flow. However tonight things were off. After all he was on stage with his ex, Jean, who had ruthlessly betrayed him with some guy from a club they had played at. Now if that didn't manage to ruin your flow, imagine blowing off a perfectly awesome guy with golden locks that made him look like a fallen angel. Now that Sam thought about it, Alec did have that intense look from Cabanel's Lucifer.
Sam missed his sax-solo thinking about Alec. The entire band had paused just for him to take it away but Sam wasn't taking them anywhere. He could feel confusion arise in the room and a tension streaming from Jean beside him, that felt like it would rip any second.
Sam look at his bandmates, signaling them to keep playing.

"What the fuck was that, Sam?", Jean barked at him. His usual passionate self.
Sam held the eye-contact and didn't say a word. For a moment it felt like staring contest.
He didn't owe Jean anything. This douche wouldn't get his hoodie back.
"I messed up, that's it", Sam tried to explain to his other bandmates who weren't even as pressed on this as Jean. "Yeah well, don't mess up on stage. Why did you even show up late? You're all out of sorts. You can't do this to us." "I actually don't care", Nina mumbled from behind as she was packing up her double bass. Jean rolled his eyes. "I met up with a guy", Sam simply replied. Aimed, fired and - "What?" - the bullet had met its target. Jean stood there, mouth gaping. "Yeah, we were busy and I forgot the time. Anyway. Good gig guys, I'll see you tomorrow for band practice." Sam turned around with his Saxophone in tow and left the basement bar.
Outside he was met with 'fresh' New York Night air. Sam wanted to revel in the fact that he had hurt Jean but now he felt bad. Using your knowledge about a person to hurt them wasn't his style. Before Jean, Sam had been peaceful and drama free. Now he felt disgusted with himself.

Back at his apartment his thoughts began to race around Alec again. That damn guy wouldn't get out of his head and it was scary as hell. Sam wasn't used to this but it didn't change anything about him not being ready for any sort of relationship. At all.
Then he downloaded Grindr.
Surely Alec hadn't deleted it right away. Fate couldn't be this cruel. Sure it was Sam's own fault for not getting his act together but it wasn't fair. He couldn't find Alec's face anywhere. The many half nude guys may have distracted Sam in his search. Then, right there. Alec! Sam clicked on his profile.

"So it was that bad huh?", Jacob had to laugh a little bit as Alec entered their living-room with an expression that told of his many sorrows tonight. "Yeah, actually...at first it was", Alec mumbled and sat down on the couch, putting his feet up and letting out a loud sigh. It was about 2am and he couldn't sleep. After hearing Jacob come home, he'd decided to ditch sleep. "This guy Simon had me on his lap and everything. I mean it was steamy, but then his girlfriend showed up and he threw me onto his disgusting floor." Instead of the shocked reaction, Alec had been counting on, Jacob just joined him on the couch with a chuckle. "Sounds about right." "In what world does that sound right to you? New York is seriously messed up and you are too", Alec complained and rested his head on Jacob's shoulder. "You said it was bad a first - what did you have a threesome or what?" "What? No! I met Simon's roommate who was actually gorgeous as hell. Smart, funny, tall, his smile was absolutely intense. I have never seen a man like that. He was obviously gay for me but after talking for three hours straight he just left me on the steps of his apartment to run off to a gig. He's a musician..." Alec stretched out his sore feet and watched Jacob do the same. Ballet had ruined them. "Musicians are like that. Shameless flirts and then: nothing", Jacob seemed to speak from experience. "What was his name?" "Sam", Alec mumbled as he fumbled with his phone to delete the app. "No more Grindr for me", he placed his phone down on his chest.

"What happened?!", Sam exclaimed when he was suddenly thrown out of the chat he had wanted to start with Alec. Frantically searching the app again, Sam turned up with nothing. "No no no come on!" The universe wasn't only unfair, it was an asshole.
Sam stared at his phone and tried to come up with a plan. Alec: a ballet dancer at the School of American Ballet. Okay, easy enough. He'd just be that strange dude standing outside of the building waiting for Alec to pass him. That wasn't creepy at all after only having met up once.
Sam groaned and brainstormed but ultimately there wasn't another way, short of trying to meet him in the countless gay clubs around here. Most gays were bound to meet up here once or twice but Sam didn't trust fate anymore. It could take years that way.

Rain was pouring down Sam's face. If this was supposed to be a 'romantic-comedy' kind of moment then he was not living for it. Contrary to most other people, a kiss in the rain sounded worse to him than sand up your ass at the beach. It was 7am and Sam had never felt more miserable. After his desperation yesterday he'd decided to finish the beer that Alec and he had left in the six pack. A hangover wasn't what he needed right now. Most dancers who passed, stared at the tall black dude standing on the stairs as his clothes were dripping with rain. He smiled politely and then continued on with his watch.
He spun around only to be met with a confused Alec. "Did you...wait for me?", Alec quietly asked as if a clear tone of voice would have scared Sam off again. "Whatever explanation is the least creepy, that's it", Sam cleared his throat. He had almost missed him. "Ah", Alec gave a cheeky grin. "What for?" "Huh?" Sam's headache wasn't helping things. "Why are you waiting for me, Sam?" Alec was dressed up nicely. His blonde curls were trapped under a bordeaux beanie. A long dark blue trenchcoat was wrapped tightly around him.
Sam had prepared no speech. All he had done was drink a bunch, fall into bed, set an alarm and get here. What he had forgotten was the important part: words.
Alec seemed to sense Sam's struggle because he chuckled and shook his head. "I get it, I think", he spoke as he closed the distance between them to press a gentle kiss to Sam's lips. He felt a sense of calm rush through his body. He melted away under the dancer's touch.

A kiss in the rain, wasn't so bad after all.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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