// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣 //

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hiraeth - part twenty-four


       "G-Goku, what do you mean by that?" Y/n stuttered, pulling her hands from his and stepping back. Goku frowned, confused by her hesitation as he stepped closer. Y/n continued to back up, with Goku following her each step.

"I mean I love you. Did I say something wrong?" Goku asked. He was genuinely confused. He knew Y/n had feelings for him. And he returned those feelings. So why was she acting so strange? Goku thought Y/n would've loved this, he thought it'd make her feel better.

"Y-Yes, you can't say those kinds of things, even if I am your best friend! You're married!" Y/n exclaimed. She kept telling herself that Goku misunderstood what love meant, and that he just meant it in an entirely friendly way. But deep inside, she had a feeling he had meant more than just that, and she didn't want to face that problem.

"Why not? It's true. And I know you feel the same way. I've seen your thoughts, Y/n." Goku said. He took a large step, immediately closing the space between them as he grabbed Y/n's hands, holding them around the flowers he'd picked for her. "I know you have feelings for me, Y/n. You think I'm pretty. I see you thinking it a lot."

"Goku, I—" Y/n tried to speak, though it felt as though the air had been knocked out of her. Y/n would've never imagined that she'd be in this situation. She tried to take a deep breath and calm herself, gathering her thoughts. "I have something with Gohan, your son. And you're married. Not to mention, a lot older than me."

"I don't want you to be with Gohan. And I'm going to leave Chi-Chi." Goku said. Although, he couldn't argue the age factor. He was young, all things considered. He'd died a lot, and his body didn't age in otherworld. "And if my age is a problem, I can fix that."

"You can change your age?" Y/n asked, suddenly wondering if Goku was immortal, though that wasn't the case.

"With the Dragon Balls, I can. I could use the third wish to make myself younger, I'm sure Bulma wouldn't mind." Goku said. Y/n stared up at him, wondering if Goku was serious. Y/n stepped back, squeezing the flowers in her hands as she nervously stared down at them.

"You can't do that, Goku. Please don't mess up your life because of me. I'm just your friend. Maybe I shouldn't be anymore though. I'm ruining your marriage and family." Y/n wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. She was ruining Goku's life. "C-Can we just go home? I honestly don't feel like collecting the dragon balls anymore."

"No." Goku stubbornly said as he huffed, stomping up to Y/n. He gently placed his hands on Y/n's cheeks, forcing her to look up at him. "I'm going to make sure your wish is granted. I'll make sure you're happy, and I'll take care of you. I might not be as smart as my son, but I promise I'll be better, I'll take care of you."

Y/n avoided eye contact, sighing as she pulled away. She didn't say another word, out of fear that it might motivate Goku and his stubbornness even further. Goku frowned sadly as Y/n turned away from him, his dark eyes moving down to the flowers beneath his feet, watching them sway gently in the wind.

They didn't say another word to each other for the entire day, and into the night. After hours of quietly and awkwardly riding the Nimbus on Goku's lap, Y/n wanted to hide herself away forever. There was something horribly wrong with everything that was happening, and Y/n had completely forgotten about the Dragon Balls. She was far too stressed about how Chi-Chi, and more importantly, Gohan, would react to Goku's behavior.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now