viii. hot water

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chapter eight: hot water
― ts-19

Everyone stared at the open door, a safe haven being offered to them. It took a few moments, but Rick snapped out of the stupor first, ushering everyone in.

"Daryl, Ferne, you cover the back." Shane instructed, the pair nodding and holding up their respective weapons as their group inched into the building.

"Hello? Hello?" Rick called out, his voice echoing off the walls.

"Watch those doors," Daryl instructed, "Watch for walkers."

"Hello?" Rick called again, only to be answered with the sound of a gun cocking.

"Anybody infected?" A voice called from the shadows.

"One of our group was," Rick said, "He didn't make it."

"Why are you here? What do you want?" The man who the voice belonged to, him stepping out into the light.

"A chance."

"That's asking an awful lot these days." The man said.

Rick gave a small nod, "I know."

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission."

"We can do that." Rick told him.

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed."

It was the men who went to the vehicles and brought back all of their bags.

Once they were all safely inside, the man swiped his security card across the door's pad, "Vi, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." He instructed, the shutters closing with a loud rattle.

Rick held his hand out to the man, "Rick Grimes."

"Dr. Edwin Jenner."

As the doctor lead them to an elevator, Ferne glanced over at Daryl to see her bag in his hand. Rolling her eyes, she took it off of the man.

"I had it."

"I can carry my own things."

Soon, they were all crammed into the elevator, everyone waited to reach their destination with uncomfortable looks on their face.

"Sorry." Clay muttered once he'd realised that the shotgun in his hands was digging into Glenn's back.

Daryl eyed Jenner carefully, "Doctors always go around packing heat like that?"

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