Chapter 2 The Sky walker

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Kairiki stood at the front of the home tree watching the Na'vi people as they go about their way of life. He had a few children around him giving the mothers a little break from their children as they went on doing their work. He smiled at the laughing children playing around him chasing each other and playing with what toys they have for the moment.

Tsu'tey watched the giant Na'vi or lord he did not know what to call the older brother of their goddess yet. The one named Kairiki stood at the opening of the home tree as a silent guarding and watched over the playing children that ran around him. Tsu'tey watched him with a strange feeling deep in his chest. For some reason it felt wrong to have these feelings for he was promised to Neytiri, but for some reason he kept watching Kairiki hoping in some part deep in his heart he hoped that he would look his way and as if some miracle Kairiki look his way.

Tsu'tey stared for a few moments to shocked before nodding his head and going back to talking with the other warriors. Kairiki smiled as he saw Tsu'tey looking his way. He liked the young warrior. He looked back into the forest before deciding to guide the children closer to the inner part of the home tree.

He was in the forest relaxing against the home tree when he felt a change there was something new near the home tree and he did not know what to say about it. It felt almost like the dream walker Jake Sully. He stood from his spot and took off towards home tree, bounding and jumping over the foliage and critters that he come upon. Kairiki slowed down after he came to the edge of the forest and walked out greeting those he sees with a nod of his head. He scooped up one little girl as she ran in front of him and nodded to her mother as he walked with her in his arms.

When he entered the home tree he noticed another dream walker or sky person and narrowed his eyes as he walked forward. Many or the Na'vi moved out of his way as he walked towards her. Kairiki stopped just behind the women before speaking, "What is another dream walker doing in home tree, I thought only the one known as Jake Sully was permitted to enter?'"

Grace Augustine is a person that does not scare easily, but for some reason she felt that the Na'vi behind her is one to be afraid of. She slowly turned around and came face to face with a torso which shocked her more. She looked up to come to the face to a male Na'vi that was way to tall to be normal. Even with his hair braided and put up in intricate ways it still reached his knees, and his eyes were a lot brighter than normal.

She bowed her head quickly and did the traditional Na'vi greeting. Kairiki was quiet as the woman observed him before she greeted him. He nodded his head slowly. When she looked up most of the Na'vi were quiet and were watching the exchange that was going on. Eytukan and Mo'at were heading there way as well. "I am Grace Augustine and I ran a school for the young ones a few years back before an accident occurred." She was hopping that he would be calmed by her words as the two clan leaders stopped next to the tall Na'vi male.

Mo'at placed her arm on Kairiki looked down at the woman as she looked up at him. "What Grace speaks is true, she was once teacher to the younger ones." Kairiki nodded, "this is fine but," he pointed a finger at her, "what is another one of their kind doing in the home tree. I thought only Jake Sully was permitted in home tree." Mo'at and Eytukan spoke. "Jake Sully asked for her return." Kairiki narrowed his eyes as Grace as she stood there. He nodded slowly before touching the clan leaders shoulders and turning and moving to the spiral going up into the trees branches.

Mo'at looked to her husband Eytukan. "He is worried for a reason something is going to happen and by his reaction it has to do with the dream walkers, but what?"

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