11: Sore Inside & Out (pt 2)

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It had been a couple days since Denki left for his "business" trip. There hadn't been anything on the news so I decided to discover more rooms in the mansion. Although I've been living here for a few months, I still haven't covered even half the house yet. I took the stairs up to the third floor. I hadn't been up there yet, and Denki didn't say I couldn't. I walked down the hall, popping my head into each room I passed. Most of them weren't that interesting; there were dusty bedrooms, unused bathrooms, and supply closets. As I neared the end of the long hall, I was begining to lose interest, but continued anyway. Eventually, I reached the last door.  I carefully turned its knob and stepped inside. It was a small, windowless room so I turned on the lights. As soon as I did, I saw multiple boxes stacked on each other. Some of the boxes didn't have much dust on them, so someone must of been in there.

I looked through the boxes curiously, pulling out photos and letters addressed to Denki. Some were from who I assumed were his parents, but others were from someone named Kyoka Jiro. I looked through the letters from her and even found a photo of her. I looked closely at it then realized she was a student at UA at the same time Denki was. I read the letters and discovered why Denki had letters from her. They were lovers up until Denki openly became a villian. It was also around that time that letters from his parents seemed to stop. His ex-lover explained why he had birth control and morning-after pills.

I sighed as I placed the letters back where I found them and left the room. I considered bringing it up with Denki when he came back, but then remembered that he had said he wasn't ready. I started to clean some of the  rooms to kill time. By the time that the sun started to set, I was exhausted. I finished cleaning the last room before the one with Denki's secrets before heading downstairs to clean up and get ready for bed. As the shower ran, I slipped out of my clothes. I checked the temperature and got in once I was satisfied. I washed my hair and body well, turned off the water, then collapsed on the shower floor in exhaustion. My thoughts wandered to Denki as I rested on the warm tile.

Denki's ex had to have been very important to him; his response to the questions I had asked that alluded to her existence were often met by tension or sadness. I thought deeply about how he asked many questions about me, and while I gave him answers, he didn't give me any. I continued to sit on the tile and thought about the situation. Should I approach Denki and ask him about Jiro? Should I ease him into a conversation about it? Or should I never bring it up and let him tell me himself? As I concentrated on figuring out the best approach, the bathroom doorknob turned. I didn't realize Denki had come in until he broke the silence.

"Y/n? Why are you on the shower floor?"

"Huh? Oh, hey Denki!" I greeted Denki excitedly before getting up from the ground and jumping onto him. Denki managed to catch me but his face started to redden.

"Alleycat? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he assured, "But, um," he didn't finish his sentence but he looked down. I followed his gaze and realized that not only had I jumped onto Denki completely nude, but that my core was resting on my boyfriend's dick.

"Oh. Sorry!" I said as I went to get off him, but I was stopped.

"Hey, did I say you had to get off?"

"Well, no, but-"

Denki inturrupted me by smashing his lips into mine. He managed to open the door again without breaking the kiss. He placed me down on our bed gently and pinned me against the soft and plush pillows. As his hands started to roam my body, I moaned into his mouth. I got eager and tried to remove his pants but, instead, he broke our kiss.

"Alleycat..." I whined, unhappy he denied me what I wanted. I quickly shut up when he kissed my inner thighs, slowly getting closer and closer to my pussy. My moans got louder the more aggressively he kissed my body  until I became a shaking mess. Once again, Denki drew away from me.

"Now we can have the real fun," he grinned.

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