1. Alleycat

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"Damn, it's been a tiring day. What does the news have to offer today?" I said, plopping onto my old worn-out couch. The grey fabric had definitly seen better days. I picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

The TV clicked on and the newslady onscreen started talking about a new villian on the rise. The description was short, as no one had seen him without a black hoodie and a mask, covering his face. He was about 167 cm (5' 6"), my height exactly. His hair appeared to be a bright blonde color in the picture shown on screen. The woman started to talk about his crimes, most of them being within Tokyo, where I was living. She also added that the criminal, who went by Sparkplug, was also the head of his own mafia. My body shook with rage. This strange man had to have known that I was in charge of Tokyo's streets. Even though I had not appeared in public for months, it didn't mean that I gave up my criminal ways.

I lept from the couch and turned the TV off. I stomped to my room and opened the drawer in my bedside table. Inside was what I was looking for- a pistol and a box of ammo. I snatched the gun and loaded in the bullets. I put on my villian outfit. This "Sparkplug" was going to regret challenging me. When I had grown in power after I had first moved to Tokyo, I eradicated all the villians who tried to defeat me. I opened my front door and left.

Stepping into the allyway, I noticed a cat screeching at someone hidden the shadows. I phased into the walls nearby and appeared behind the figure. As I got closer, I noticed that he matched the description of the man I was looking for. I raised my gun and aimed for his neck.

"Found you, 'Sparkplug'."

Just as I was about to pull the trigger, he pulled down his hood and turned towards me. My breath got caught up in my throat.

"Goddamn," I muttered. He was hot. Very hot.

"Well, hello there. Do I know you?" he said, smiling slyly.

"Shut the hell up!" I growled, "You know who I am."

"Do I, though? I don't think we've met."

"I'm Vapor. Does that ring a bell?" I noticed my grip on the gun had loosened, and I quickly adjusted it. I couldn't let him find out that his charm was actually working.

"No, it doesn't." He answered with a calm tone. It was obvious he was fucking with me.

"I own these streets. You should be fearing me," I told him as I phased through the ground.

I popped up right behind him a got a hold on his neck, then I pointed my gun into his head. Sparkplug turned his head towards me and looked me in the eyes. I stared back.

"Kinky, are we?" He said.

That did it. I tightened my grasp so much he had troubled breathing, but he didn't fight back. The look in his eyes told me he was enjoying it. I was taken aback, but regained my compsure quickly.

"Shut it, Pikachu," I seethed, "Or I'll blow your brain to bits."

"Although I would love your face to be the last thing I see before dying, I value life a bit too much. How about I take you on a date instead?"

His words flustered me. He was flirting despite the situation he was in!

"I warned you," I said before pressing the gun harder into his head.

Deadly Little Pikachu ll Mafia Denki x  F. Villian Reader (Smut)Where stories live. Discover now