I never found kari i call the cops and they will look out for her. I went to school and everyone sad "were is kari" and i sad nothing i just walk away from them. When i got home from school i can here this voices coming from upstairs it sounds like kari so i walked very slow up the steps and when i got to the top i open the door in front of me and there were no one there. The front door closed and i run down stars and i see my mom and mom sad they found kari up stars under the bed she was no moving i stared crying case i now i lost my friend. I when to school and everyone sad i killed kari and. my mom came to get me from school. I me and my mom moved because of what happened to kari me and mom moved in to a place call river street and there is a better place. to mack friends.5 years go by i am in college i am 17year old i have i new dad and i am very happy to have one i will be having a baby brother soon he is name Joy.
think you for reading my first book i wrote comment and like it think you bye
the hunted house 2
Terrori hop you like my first book i wrote thank you for reading it bye