a dark new beginning

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Poor young izuku. the fates had cursed him with quirklessness. a destiney intwined with agony. friends turned on him....crushes laughed at him....his mother lost faith in him while trying to protect her child she now imagined was as fragile as a crystal swan. It is a fate most undeserved. Today on the night of a new moon young Izuku was wandering in the midnight darkness. With aimless abandon his hopes destoryed by his hero, he remembered an old prequirk era game that had a phrase about the dangers of hero worship. As he stops in front of a shop that remained opened something called him inside. It was a store filled with old odds and ends, a soft lilac candle light on the counter but what caled to the young lad was a stunning and anceint looking signet ring, one that seemed to have hints of emerald and sapphire. While it would be worth alot in the past with the now quirk enhanced rings of today the durability of such a relic made it dirt cheap. What little Izuku earned by duing odd jobs he had saved and bought the ring which in us. currency only put him out 200 dollars. A steal to us but pure profit when compared to a quirk enhanced version.

Only in the safety of his room did he place the ring upon his finger only for it to glow blindingly and the voice of an unknown man to fill the silence of the night "at long last, its been far too stuffy in that tomb I called an escape" stunned Izuku didnt know how to react. a handsome or...beautiful man now stood before him. The adam's apple on the stranger confirmed manhood, but the features and....curvy dress suggested hints of femininity. The strange man gives a warm but sorrowful smile at Izuku before saying "such a gifted child to be pained so deeply. You are born to a world where power means everything yet you weild none. As thanks for my freedom I can teach you power."

Confused our young protagonist inquires "who are you?" the stranger merely chuckles "my name was lost to the sands of time, but I was once the royal mage to a powerful king and the secret lover of his child the prince. The name he called me was Hecate, after the anceint greek goddess of witchcraft. It was an inside joke, but since my true name escapes me let us go with that" this was all too much. magic was real...he offered to teach him. Izuku asks "I...I can learn magic?" the face of Hecate turns serious as he explains "your mana is bountiful, a rarity in my day but nearly nonexistent now. I am open to teaching you magic any kind, but i'm sorry to say that like me the magic you were born most attuned with was blood magic. When serving the crown my primary duty was as a weapon, to turn the tide of battle with powerful dark magics. My blood magic brought great fortresses down like sand castles. I can teach you other magic but they would take time dedication and study. All magic comes at a cost and blood magic is steep. Not only do you pay with opening your vessels you risk corruption. One must have an infallible will to use it. To become a hero with magic would be simple weather you use good or bad magic. But with dark magics you must protect your soul."

Izuku was desperate...after the events with his former best friend...nearly suicidal. Desperate he chose the magic he was born to...blood magic. Hecate's eyes glowed brilliant rainbow flashes of light as an obsidian blade formed in his hand then a second. With just a short time for U.A's exam, Hecate began immediately. teaching astronomy, astrology, sacred and cursed times and days. The effects celestial bodies have on earthly magics. Then languages and runes, basic magical structure even stamina training for prolonged jinx, hexes or comstant protective magic. Only on month three did Izuku first cut his hand to use true magic.

Hecate taught the young boy to use his magic wisely and efficantly. Tripping bullies, minor fits of bad fortune and only once a truely great curse. It took a while for Hecate to explain that Bakugou was no longer a friend, his once dear one was lost to hate and a corrupted soceity. Hecate explained only by taking back his life and gaining courage to stand up for himself even if only in secret could magic be an ally. Magic was reliant on will and intent, to waver is for magic to run wild and cause unintended pain. So Hecate watched his student lay his first real curse. Bakugou would befall a pain equal to what he caused. upon completion of the curse a thunderstorm clasped its first boom, a signal that it was now set in motion. Healing magic was entertaining and valueble. It allowed him to leave no trace of his magic on his delicate skin, and his mom was happy to share a hobby with her son. An avenue into a real bond as Izuku taught her myths legends and old medicinal purposes of these plants. Inko however unknowingly was begining to suffer from blood poisoning. a side effect of the vast mana now wild in her home. Luckily the strange bew tutor Izuku found used the plants to brew her a tea a few days into her unexplained illness, and that night alone with Izuku her explained mana was everywhere. like backround harmless radiation but without proper exposure training one becomes sick from mana not of their own. If one isnt preped the tea heals the body until they adapt.

In the final three months before the enterence examination, Hecate trained Izuku's mind soul and will. Using the illusions the poor boy had to face his biggest fears and demons. He had to accept the depression, the self doubt and self hate in his soul. He had to learn to forgive himself and harness his inner darkness, allow himself the right to be human. It wasn't easy, a few times he wanted to take revenge, it was very tempting. Somedays even after he got excellent marks from his tutor Izuku would wonder if heroism was still his dream, hero or villain he wanted to make the world better. Hecate explained he would support the child no matter what path, but for now Izuku chose to continue and entered into the exam with confidence and whats more opening willing to admit his quirk status. His blade was approved, drawing the interest of Nezu and Eraserhead. Both would watch with interest.  Thw written test was simple, now he stands outside the gate his blade in his sleeve taking calming breaths his unknown destiney before him. opening his eyes the world seemed to slow as he smiles ready for his first test.

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