a royal occasion

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The randomiser once again is hard at work, what was origonally a cavalry battle became a battle royale instead. A ring was constructed. A count tallied and soon the battle began. Attacks were hurled and flung with precison or wild abandon. The arena filled with the intensity of a warzone each studen fighting for a possible future. Student after student was launched from the ring and when 30 remained the battle was paused. The ring was elevated and seperated into five rings of equal diameters. The fighting resumed. The fighting grew more intense and violent. Izuku using both magic and hand to hand with his analytics to wipe the floor with competetors. When only 20 students remain the battle was paused again as the ring became one but much smaller then before. It was an hour before the final four students were thrown from the ring.  With 16 students left the lots for the final phase of the event were in play. the one on one combat. There was a respite and food, but Izuku began tapping into the ley lines, drawing energy slowly to replenish himself. He checked his nails, they had been sharppened to cut since as a hero student his blade was considered a support item. It was with intensive meditation that Iuzuku was building up power for the end of the event.

Inko after a few episodes of vomitting was able to see her baby comtinuing to advance his dreams. How could she be any prouder? Her heart can't take the swelling he has already caused. Izuku is shining brighter then ever, searing his name into the identity of the country. It was announced how he is quirkless and prove was given so the public would believe it. It was causing a stirr but she didn't care. Her baby was winning against people who trained all their lives for what he was trying to do. Her baby will be a shining becon for hope...she can feel it.

In a drug addled state Hisashi can only watch his genetic biproduct beam his brilliance to the world. Despite his quirk status the fans still cheer for him, they acknowlage his work and dedication. He wonders what it might be like to be there. Part of the life and journey. If he had never let the poison into his veins that sealed his fate. To see that bright smile made at him for some simple act or dumb dad joke. Would he have made a father worthy of the sparkling example of heroism he sees before him?

It was now time, his first match. Something was off about Hitoshi Shinsou. Cruel to his class but seemingly fine with him only small bouts of jealpusy when they talked at lunch one his meditation was over. The boy said he understood when questioned about his more gentle approach with him. As the match began Hitoshi began to try goading Izuku into responding, but he held stead fast onto his teacher's principals. Guide your emotions follow only when heart is the only answer. Izuku ran. Hitoshi understood so he wanted to be a hero but couldn't make it with his quirk. He was hated to. Now come on Hitoshi, help me give a show.

Hand to hand combat was not Hitoshi's foretay, he depends on his quirk too much and he is facing that lesson, but he sees Izuku's big flashy easily counter moments. His instinct is that Izuku's over confident. but looking in his ey-ohhhh Izuku...I can't beat you...but thatbks for letting me shine.

The skirmish lasts 20 minutes. a minor exchange of blows without fancy powers but its riviting for its almost theatrical performance. Despite the clear attempt to draw interest people actually are drawn in, sportsmanship is a lost art in these matches. Martial arts bid their respect for competetors giving each other the respect of equal skill display, before Izuku finally ends it and goes to recharge for his next bout. With seven other matches his energy would have time to regrow. He was most relieved.

As he thinks about his upcoming matches, he wonders about his mom. He hopes she is will. If only he knew his kindness made her heart soar. Her baby risked alot by trying to help his schoolmate show off a little. Her boy was always putting others first. This was the way she wanted her baby to be known. Kind above all else. One of her nurses shares a commentary of the events with her the nurse surprised someone so focused on becoming a hero would risk losing to help soneone else. Inko only responded that Izuku either aware or not lives by the old principals of prequirk era comics that helped shape what heroism is today. A level of selflessness that boarders on toxic. Izuku had often brought stray animals home to care for even from dangerous areas. Sometimes they would keep the animal for a while until a proper home was found or it was healthy to let go and several nights she had to comfort him when a vet told the poor innocent child the animal was in too much pain to heal and had to be put to sleep. Izuku understood that at the very least what the vet said was the way to go, and while she worried it was truamatic Izuku refused to let the animals being put to sleep alone. Wanting them to be comfortable and warm when "going nightnignt" each time he did the animals always seemed to go relaxed, as if aware at least one person cared for them. Even now the vet is on a first name basis with Izuku and often tends to the animals he finds free or in exchange for filing work. The nurse teared up most likely aware the hurt at saying goodbye to an animal that you care about even if only for a fleeting moment. As Inko thinks on this, maybe Izuku should have been able to keep one or two. Then maybe her baby wouldn't have been so lonely.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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