18. Cuz Im God Girl

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"It has been far too long. The more she gets knocked out the more she'll resent them, especially if it's her beloved brother. Yes the flame is already stoked now all we need is their argument and it'll be perfect for us."

The shivering cold sent the flame down to the ground as a group of people emerged in its place. They all had the same stoic expression with emotionally cold eyes, one of them stood off to the side, detached from everything. They noticed.

"Come child." The child did not come.

"Boy." The child did not come.

A flame etched in the ground stretched between the two. The child did not come.

A loud, repulsive noise blared in the silence. The child did not come.

Finally, Sophia's image appeared in his mind, the child was too far for the others to see.

"What do you think of our little girl?" She's asking he husband, Jake, what he thinks of their daughter.

He says niceties to her but the daughter's eyes is what gives it away. She will be important later on.

It's back to sophia she's reminiscent of Riki. She misses him.

"This isn't real." Jake looms above her his face distorted and the baby still prevalent.

"I have a child but her father...." She's remembering. That's good.

"I married Riki, but before that, before all of this, I was sixteen Riki and I had just started dating. Then he...." Her image fades just as a hand lands on the child's shoulder. Shocked he turns to see his creator standing there looking almost dead.

"You're too quick with that boy." The motherly dialect erased as the hand tightens.

"It's my job." The child says, sticking out his tongue in a teasing manner, and once the shock affects the creator, he's gone. He ran through the winding halls and came upon a room, his room.

Once inside he finally allowed other thoughts to entrap his mind, that girl is whom he is ment to protect.

The daughter of a human turned vampire and a vampire. How they managed it was beyond anyone, but he knew in his lifetime he would protect that child.

Whatever it took.

So, he has to keep Sophia from dying. If she doesn't fulfill this prophetic dream of his then he'll die too.

He must inact his trust now.

'I know you guys can hear me'


'Look, I need Sophia Adelaide Park to remain alive'

A series of 'why' filled his head.

'Dont you guys want Eungshin gone as much as I do?'

A series of confirmation came next.

'Then it's settled'

And today is the day that Sophia Park has an entire hidden flock of runaway vampires looking out for her safety.

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