Everyone is dumb

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Drew woke up the nest morning after what crazy drama had happened during school the past few weeks. He all felt in dump ontohim in one setting as he sat up on his bed. Drew cupped his face in his hands, looking down at the floor with a rush of saddes burdting down onto him. A long sigh excaped as he feel backwards back onto his bed grabbing his phone. He looked at the clock at the date seeing that it was the weekend. He smiled slightly before looking at his notophocations seeing his girlfreind had been spamming his phone.

Drew grunted looking at them relizing that they were full of anger and upsetness. he looked at some of the photos that were sent seeing that they were of him and jake. Drews eyes widened big,

"How did she get those?! who took these fucking photos!" he threw his phone down in anger leaveing his "girlfreind" on read.

He curled up into a tught little ball of anger before beganing to cry ass more had just piled up onto him. The trears flowed down his cheeks staining his ashy knees with tears. He sat and just cried, it was pitaful and deppresing to see. After an hour Drew picked himself up and grabbed his phone with his shakeing hands and type out the words :im sorry, but we need to brake up." His finger hoverred over the send button befor he pressed send.

It had finllay sent through and he just placed his phone down while on do not disturbe and hee bagan to shale more pure panic russhing through him. Tears feel down his face and he geabbed his pellow in and screamed into it.

who even took the photos? how did SHE get them! drews throughts were raceing as more tears fell. The whole school thinks hes gay!
drew took a deep breath befor the sadnees turned into anger.

im going to find the fucking little PRICK who did this and shove there face in my ass! im so fucking pissed! and when that wanker zoey trys giveing me shit im going to amutate mer volcal cords! Drew began shakeing befor getting up and punching his wall. he quickly gripped his fist with his other hand befor uncovoring his fist and lying back onto his bed.

"Evryone is dumb..." he groaned out to himself. Drew picked himself up and grabbed the plasters off his night stand and wrapped them around his hand
he feel back onto his bed beganing to feel tears weld in his eyes before his phone buzzed. he picked up seeing that jake texted him.

Jake: Bro who tf gave zoey thoughs pictures?

me: I dont kow but im hella pissed off.

Jake: everyone is dumb fr.

me:thats what i said.

jake: bro r we NPCS or sum?

me: idk [cry] also we good? like we still freinds and shit?

jake: ofc i thought alot about it last nght and i think im ready to try again, but im back in the music club with a compition soon so pealse mabye try being a bit more supportive? i promis ill spend time with you guys though!

me: aslong as were still freinds ig.

Drew feel back onto his bed,

Great, now i have to deal with that feeling that someone ealse is going to take my place. Lets not fotget the pining jealosy i have over that stupid haily chick!
sometimes i wish i could swap places with her for one day, mabye shed see how hard it is when your parents are never in the house. Or when you so clearly miss your best freind that youve known for years, but he goes off and emidly replaces you with people hes only known for a month, And mabye id see what it would be like to have jake around again. He smiled to himself thinking the last part. He missed jake alot.

Drew turned back to his phone and opened the group chat.

Brothers from another mother.

me: mom and pops arnt home this weekend yall wanna hang?

Henrey: sure DrEwY bEaR.

Liam: sure why not! *grabs 4 ropes*


Jake: what time and day? it would be best if we avoid friday aka today.

Drew: tommrow ig? yall can come whenever

Jake: Alright1 i think i van make it.

Zoey: expect me there aswell~

Jake: ok yeah around 7AM go sit next to the trash barless a kindly man will take you to your home :)

me: who let it back in?!

Zoey was kicked mt Liam

me: anyway see yall tmr

Drew closed his phone and looked down at his floor. It was discusting, there was trash everywere as so were cloths. Drew groned standing up and trying to pick them up but just wasent able to.  he layed out flat on his floor with a jumper (or i think its called a hoodie) he pulled the dirty jumber other his head and bagan crawling around trying to finish the task.

A/N: sorry for the random cut off anyway im back to writing so yay

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