the sleep over. TW: SA

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The day had finnaly arived were the group was going to have a sleepover. Drew was exited and worried to see jake after what happened. He let out a long sigh waiting for his freinds to arrive. He decided to actually pick up his room as it seemed almost impossible to do as sutch last night. He bagan picking up clothes and other items off his floor, desk, and bedside table. AFter he did as sutch he grabbed some chips out of the freezer and put them into the air fryer.

Thats when drew heard the doorbell and he emeditly went to his door annd opened it to only be shocked then filled with anger.

"Zoey what the hell are you doing here!" Drew said with anger burning in his face. Zoey smirked with that same evil smile.

"i said i was going to be here didint i." She smiled walking in and dropping her bag and pinned drew to the wall, looking up at him.

"what the hell Zoey!" he shouted going to push her off before he was inturpted by her kissing him.

Zoey pulled awway as drew felt discusted, gagging. "Drewy bear~ you still love me! i know it!"

Drew pushed her off and slapped her. "Get the fuck out of my house!" he held tears back in his eyes.

"Aww is my drewy bear crying!" she laughed.

Drew looked feriouse as he went to go throw her out of the door, but was pinned again. Befor drew could say anything Zoey had bagan kissing him and reaching around his legs. Drew bagan crying, he felt as if he couldent move or if he was frozen like if he was parilized. He cried harder as she countenuied.

Soon she had found the spot she was looking for she smirked letting go on drews lips.

she waas about to open her mouth to speek but then she had fallen to the floor. Drew jumped and then looked up to see jake who was out of breath with a frying pan in his hands.

Jake looked down to drew and smiled worriedly befor putting the pan on the floor.

"Drew what the fuck was that?" Jake asked worriedly.

"She- she-" Drew began to sob as jake quickly went to comfort Dreww by hugging him.

"come on Drew wny dont you sit down ill take care of zoey and then ill be right back ok."

"o-ok" Drew sniffeld breaking the embrase and walking to the coutch.

Jake went over to were zoey was laying, knocked out. Jake sighed, dragging her out of the house and out of the garden, quickly walking back and locking the door. He grabbed his stuff and went to the liveing room and sat nexxt to drew setting his bag down on the floor.

By this point Drew had stopped crying, but was still vary upset and schocked. Jake went over and cuddled the boy in hopes to comfort him.

Drew held on to jake for a bit until they heard another ring at the door. Jake sat drew down and went to the door to see henry.

"Hi! Drew is in the liveing room." Jake smiled as henry walked to the liveing room with jake following behind him. Jake had sat back down next to drew putting his arm around him.

Henry looked up confused. "Why are you so touchy with each other and.. why is there a frying pan next to the lift-?" Henry asked confused causing bolth Drew and jake to laugh. They had finished tere small gigglr befor Drew looked upset again remembering what had just happend beging to frown.

Jake looked over to Drew and grabbed his hand again, causeing Drew to look over at jake.

"Drew, whats wrong? you seem upset. Is it beacuse of what just happened?" Jake wispered the last part to Drew as he didint know if he wanted henry to know.

"Yeah..." Drew admited lokking down and takeing his hand awway from Jakes. Drew bagan to look sad for a seconed whislst the room got quite.

"Lets just do something ealse until Liam gets here... Im so lost right now." Henry suggested, looking confused and worrired at the same time.

"Yeah lets do that." DRew said looking up and smileing. The smile wasent real, but it wasent fake ether. 

Jake smiled warmly "Yeah! sounds fun. What are we going to do though?"

"I dont know!" Henry yelled in annoyance.

Drew groned in annoyance, opening his mouth to speak to only be inturuted by the door bell rining about 10 times.

Jake giggled at Drew annoyed expresion and went to open the door. He opened it to see Liam had came.

"Hi jake!" Liam said smileing and takeing off his shoes before entering, then went to the liveing room and sat on the sofa with his freinds, sitting next to Henry.  Jake sat back down in beetween henry and drew.

They all sat in akward slilence for a little bit until henry spoke up again.

"Soooooo.... TRuth or dare liam!"

"What i didnt agree to this!"

"Well do you want to just sit here and be board! Truth or fucking dare!"

"Fine! truth."

"Your no fun but uhh." Henry thought.

"Is it true that you still wet the bed?"

"NO!" Liam shouted as the group snickerd.

Liam piched his nose before speaking " Drew truth or dare."

"Uhm? Dare?" Drew said confused.

"Is it true that you and jake drank out of the same cup?" Liam asked.

"uhm? i dont know? i dont think so?" Drew said furring his eyebrows and jake turned pink.

"Jake why are you pink-?" Drew asked looking more conserned.

"I may of accedently mabye uhhh.. drinken out of a cup that was yours..-" Jake said scraching the back of his neck hand nervosly laghing.

Drews eyes widened as he ran to the kitchen and wrinsed off his toung. The jomies contunied laghing, well more like henry and liam were laghing.

Henry was laying on the floor sounding like a dying hyina while liam was next to him, digging through his poket grabbing 20 bucks while laughing and giveing it to jake who was embberesed.

"I cant belive i said that for 20 fucking dollors." Jake said.

"Come on it wasent like it was true." Liam said still snikering while henry was loseing oxygon slowly while wheezing on the floor.

"What if it was true..." Jake said acting still to prank his freinds.

the room paused and henry screamed in laughter again. liam stood there looking more trumatized then drew.

Jake wasent able to hold the laugh in anymore, falling on the floor with henry.

Drew walked back in looking annoyed.

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