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Author's Note
Before anything else let's clear it out that it's an imaginative fictional story. Taekook are the main characters because I love them so much. If you happen to have read this fiction on instagram don't think I'm copying someone's work because that's not the case. And I have already posted this story on Instagram. Read the story before accusing or assuming that it's copied by me.

And it's a LGBT content so if you don't support it don't read it.

So here you all go and enjoy reading + ignore my mistakes

So there are students who are sitting and there professor is announcing there results

Professor:and as always Kim Taehyung topped in this test also Taehyung here

Taehyung got up from his seat and went to his professor to take the sheet and others just sitting there quietly as it's nothing new cause Taehyung is a guy who just keeps himself busy in his books it's not like he is a nerd or something it's just he likes to study and read

And after half an hour the bell ring indicating their class is over and students started to collect their things and left from there while Taehyung was also doing the some when he heard few girls talks it's not like he was hearing there talks intentionally it's just happened cause of specific name

Girl 8: do you know Jungkook is having concert??(ask excitedly toher friends)

Girl 4:I also heard but you know I can't goo cause my family is having problems in there business

Girl 6:even if I wont too can't cause the ticket is soo costly and I can't even buy it

Girl 8:yeah same here

Girl 7:I wish someday I could also go there and see him

Girl 3: yeah even by any chance I got to see him no I will surely get his picture and sign

Soo you read right cause of Jungkook name Taehyung stood there like statue cause he knows what they are talking and more over he himself is the biggest fanboy of jeon Jungkook a k-pop soloist idol who is now soo famous all over the world not only for his singing but cause he looks damn hot and handsome but cute and sweet also with good heart

Tae in mind:wish I could also get a chance to meet him

Time Skip

Soon Taehyung's university got over and he left to his house by walking it's not like he doesn't have his own car or something it's just he doesn't like to show off and the whole university knows that Taehyung is rich but still behaves like normal boy while Taehyung was walking he noticed there's a bunch of girls who are running behind o boy and he noticed boy has covered his face with masked but than he realised he was walking on same path and that masked boy bumped into Taehyung and was about to say but he see girls are about catch him soo he hurriedly grab Taehyung's hand and started to run to hide himself and tae was shocked for a while

Tae:yahhh!!leave my hand you idiot
Tae said while trying to get out of the masked boy's grip but couldn't as he was holding Tae's wrist little tightly and see that masked guy hide himself and Taehyung behind a Jungkook's poster ond those girls didn't noticed and lost them

Tae:will you-

Couldn't complete his sentence because the masked boy kept his hand on Tae's mouth and started to look if girls are still following them or not but thankfully no


???:am sorry (remove his hand from Tae's mouth)

Tae:are you freaking crazy or what huh!!

???: listen I'm really sorry please forgive me
Tae:between why those girls were following you


Couldn't Compete his sentence cause he heard those girls shouting

Tae:speak some-

Again tae couldn't complete his sentence not cause that boy kept his hand no this time he kissed Taehyung while tae was in soo much shocked to do anything or to react but that boy just kept his lips on Tae's lips without moving and after one minute he back away while tae still in shocked but when he realised he started ask that boy without looking at him

Tae:are you idiot why did you kissed me??that too without my permission and cherry on the top that was my first kiss you freaking creep i saved my first kiss for Jungkook and you just ruined it(he was looking down while saying)

Tae was having tears in his eyes because he lost his first kiss to a stranger but then he heard a familiar voice

???:i didn't kissed you kid

Hearing the voice toe looked up and got shocked cause Jungkook the great Jeon Jungkook wos standing there

Tae:jun .. .. jungk ..... ook

JK:I'm really sorry between not sorry cause (teasing look and smile)you wanted me to kiss you see you lost your first kiss to me only now stopp crying

Tae was soo shocked to react actually Jungkook removed his masked before he placed his lips on Tae's lips and tae didn't notice cause it happened in a blink of an eye

JK:do I need to kiss you again to get back your senses baby bear??(smirk)

Tae:ye ... no no

JK:look soo I'm really sorry but those girls were running behind me to catch me and then you know how big it will create a mess and than you were coming from front and without thinking I dragged you with me

Tae:it's .... it's ok

JK:you sure or still want to scold me??(smirk)

Tae:sh ... shut up (look down shyly)

JK:ok now I have to go and we will meet soon baby Taetae (wink at tae who looks down shyly but than look up and saw Jungkook left from there)

Tae:how he knows my name??i didn't even introduce myself to him than how??


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Love you all 💕💕

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