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Author's Note
Before anything else let's clear it out that it's an imaginative fictional story. Taekook are the main characters because I love them so much. If you happen to have read this fiction on instagram don't think I'm copying someone's work because that's not the case. Read the story before accusing or assuming that it's copied by me.

And it's a LGBT content so if you don't support it don't read it.

So here you all go and enjoy reading

Tae:am i just gone mad or what??but i really saw Jungkook sitting there (said with pout)maybe I'm seeing him

Time Skip (same day)

Mom:tae baby get ready we are going for shopping

Tae:why shopping??mom I'm so tired'm not going you go

Mom:you are coming and that's it end of discussion (left from there)

Tae: I don't wanna go but (deeply sigh)

Tae look at the wall where he painted Jungkook

Tae: i wishes to marry you but I know it's impossible (a sad chuckled)

Tae:let's get ready and go before mom come and scold me again

Tae was in mall selecting his suit for his wedding while his mom was sitting on otherside selecting rings

Tae:i think this one will look perfect (said while looking at white coloured suit)

Tae was going toward the trial room when he heard a few girls scream but he just let it go and entered one of the tril room he was about to close the door but someone came inside and locked the door and pinned Tae's hand above his head and that person also kept his one hand on Tae's mouth

Tae:mmm(trying to say something but can't and he was struggling to get out of the grip)

??:shhh (look at tae and shushed him)

Tae in mind: why i am feeling like i have seen these eyes before

Tae stopped struggling and kept looking at that person and that person was wearing a mask

Outside the trial room

Girl 6:we lost Jungkook ??

Girl 8: maybe he was someone else??

Girl 4:let's go guys

Girls left from there

So the thing is jungkook also came to the mall to get his wedding suit even though it's a arranged marriage he knows his parents will choose someone who can take care of him and jungkook knows that cause he did a background check

Inside the trial room

Tae in mind: Jungkook?? Could he??

???: hope those girls are not here(spoke in a deep voice)

??? look at tae who was doing nothing just standing there hands above his head and mouth covered with hands preventing him from speaking while that masked boy looked at tae and kept looking at him only cause how can he miss the chance to admire this much beautiful person

???:we meet again??

Tae frowned his eyebrow in confusion like how the mask boy is wearing a mask so it's hard for tae to recognise the person

The mask boy removes his hands and backs away while tae stand properly and asked

Tae:why you came here??who are you??and how and when we meet?? i don't remember meeting a jerk like you

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