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"Eggshells, carrot tops — compost is cool."

"I like your teacher." August smiles, admiring the various plants surrounding him that seem to reach out to him as he walks by.

"Of course you do," Edward chuckles, only half paying attention, "He's talking about recycling, which helps the environment, which you love." He watches fondly as August rolls his eyes before his attention falls back to his Bloodsinger.



"How did you know you loved Carlisle?"

August is stunned at the smallness of Edward's voice, having to strain to hear it over the loud students around them. He watches him closely for a minute, seeing his fingers twitch each time he looks at Bella; noticing his eyes gain a spark they'd been missing every time he hears her voice. He smiles.

"I wanted to know him," August begins, "More than I'd ever wanted to know anyone or thing. But it was more than wanting. I yearned for his name; ached for his smile. It was as if something deep within my soul was reaching out for his. I needed to know him intimately — I needed to know his deepest fears and his greatest desires. I wished for his dreams to become a reality; and for his reality to be better than any other's." He smiles lovingly, then, thinking of his first days with Carlisle, and of his more recent ones. "I still do."

Edward hums softly, meeting his eyes. "I'm sorry that you can't be yourselves in public. And, no — before you ask what you're thinking, I don't know. I don't think I love her, I... I don't know."

August's smile falters but he shrugs it off, ignoring the pain stabbing at him. "C'est la vie." He exhales shakily, then gestures to Bella with a soft smile. "Go speak to her, Eddie. Even if you don't think you love her; you won't regret it."

He watches fondly for a moment as Edward nods and quietly moves to the girl's side, initiating a conversation. August jumps slightly when a small figure sidles up to him, looping her arm through his and practically bouncing on the spot. He smiles gently down at Alice, dwarfing her at his full height, and then at Jasper, who stands out of the way of passing students but still watches after the pixie girl intently.

"Hello," She greets sweetly, "Did you know, our darling brother is completely ruining my chances at being best friends with Bella?"

"Is that so?" August hums softly, a smirk tugging at his lips. He peaks across the room, spotting the two talking quietly. "I don't know, they seem pretty chatty from over here."

Alice hums and drops the topic, but August can tell she isn't quite done with it just yet. The trio walk around the greenhouse for a while longer before following the students as they begin to make their way outside, preparing to leave.

The almost immediately catch sight of Edward and Bella in a heated exchange and August groans.

"Told you." Alice sings. She releases August's arm and skips ahead of the two men, making her way to Edward and Bella.

"Does that ever get annoying?" August asks, watching the small girl go with a smile, "Her always being right?"

Jasper shrugs, a lovesick look on his face. "No, Sir. Not as far as I'm aware."

August grins and makes a whipping motion with the sound effect. "Whipped." He teases.

The two men catch up to Alice, taking in the situation in front of them. "Um, are you gonna be riding with us?" They hear her ask.

AUGUST • C.CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now