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August breathes out sharply through his nose, standing stiffly at Carlisle's side with his arms crossed tight across his chest, bottom lip pulled between his teeth. He keeps his gaze intently on Laurent as he speaks in a hushed voice with his life partner. "What about V?" He asks. "We should..." He trails off, unsure of what he was going to say. What should they do? August is torn. Our daughter would be safer with us, he wants to say, We can protect her better than the wolves can. But he knows - August knows it isn't true. The pack are strong enough as it is, and the Nomads won't risk encroaching on Wolf territory. Still. His entire being aches with longing. He's never felt so lost before. He sighs.

His eyes drift to Carlisle when he takes his hand gently, "I know. But she's safest there, Love. You know she is. But I promise you -- I promise you, the second James is dealt with, we'll pick her up and never let her go." He squeezes August's hand with meaning, and the Nymph swallows thickly. "Okay." He says softly.

He believes him.

August drops Carlisle's hand and returns to his previous position, focusing all of his energy on protecting his family. His eyes burn into Laurent's quiet form, realising, as he takes in the purposefully turned head and quiet whispers beneath his breath, the nomad was trying to give them privacy. August tries not to smile.

The atmosphere changes, tense, now, as the three men's ears perk at the sound of a rattling truck filling the quiet. They walk to the front door to greet the Cullen children and Bella. Edward pulls Bella through the front door by the hand at the same time Carlisle and Laurent round the corner and the bronze-haired male hisses, preparing for a fight.

"Wait!" Carlisle orders, his hand outstretched. "He came to warn us. About James."

August gently pulls Bella from Edward's arms, checking her over for any wounds and pulling her into a tight hug. "Are you alright?" He asks softly. "I'm sorry. I can only imagine how shaken you must be." She nods, just barely, unable to tear her eyes from the dark-skinned man. "I'll be better once you guys and Charlie are safe." She whispers, soaking in his comforting touch before pulling away and taking Edward's hand in her own.

Brave kid.

"This isn't my fight," Laurent assures Edward calmly, "And I've grown tired of his games, but he's got unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in my 300 years."

"Tell them the rest," August says, his voice stern, "Tell them what you told us."

Laurent's red eyes hesitate on the Nymph but he nods and continues, looking Edward in the eyes. "The woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her. She will rip apart anyone who gets in the way of her and James' fun." He brushes past them all, sweeping out the door with long, gliding steps. He disappears once he's crossed the threshold of the woodland surrounding them.

There's barely a breath, a pause, before the rest of the family is flooding into the Cullen house. Jasper takes to the front, leading them into the spacious garage, his mind moving a mile a minute. "I've had to fight our kind before, they're not easy to kill." He tells them.

"But not impossible. We'll tear 'em apart and burn the pieces."

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James."

August stands at Jasper and Emmett's side, pulling clothing and a duffle bag out of the open cupboard in front of him. He stays quiet, his thoughts too busy to allow him to focus on their words. He ignores Carlisle's eyes burning into his head, focusing on steadying his shaking hands, on breathing deeply. A figure appears in his peripheral vision from nowhere -- not his family. It's Ellie. "August." He sighs, ignores the vision. Now isn't the time.

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