Kei Tsukishima

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You sat there your head buried in your arms as your teacher rambled on about the lesson's topic. Someone flicked the back of you head startling you then causing you to turn around to meet the conceited smirk of the guy sitting behind you, Tsukishima.

"Oi idiot, why don't you wake up him while your at it," you said tilting your head towards the guy sitting next to him who was napping and had a small trail of saliva exiting his mouth.

"(Y/N) pay attention I will be giving you a quiz next week on this," your teacher scolded you well after everyone had left the classroom.

"Well at least now I know that I shall never bother to insult Tsukishima next lesson," you said rambling on about your stupid classmate as you always did after the lessons you had with him.

"Well maybe you should've thought about it before you nodded off to sleep," your best friend advised.

"What you're taking his side!" you spun around to face your best friend.

"Noooo, I'm just saying," she/he said walking ahead of you, eventually leaving you standing there.

"I didn't know you we're capable of scaring off your friends," his annoying voice already notifying you of who it was.

"Shut it Tsukishima you're already in my classes why do you have to annoy me outside of them as well," you sighed turning around to be met by his all knowing smirk.

You grumble to yourself complaining about how annoying he was then left him to catch up to your best friend.
"Look I'm sorry okay," you sigh into the phone apologising for the way you acted today to your best friend who you were unable to catch up with.

"Oh it's fine really," Tsukishima says popping out from behind you scaring the living day lights out of you.

"Don't sneak up on me!" you yell right into his face, an annoyed look already making its way onto his face.

"Tch," the sound came from his mouth and before you could see his face he turned.

"Well aren't you great company," the words you whispered were burning with sarcasm, yet he didn't seem to mind.

You continued to walk with him beside you waited patiently for him to insult. You're eyes caught on the small sweet shop on the corner with your mouth salivating you skipped toward the sweet shop.

Tsukishima trudged behind you smirking at your childish behaviour, "Jeez (Y/N) when are you going to grow up?"

You growled at his comment you quite frankly were enjoying his silence, "Why don't you just go shove you head in a toilet and do us all a favour."

"Oh I would (Y/N) if you wouldn't miss me so much."

"Oh please me miss you keep dreaming."

"I will and in those dreams you will finally confess you're ever dying love for me so why don't you save us both the trouble," he said this leaning closer to you until your foreheads were touching.

Heat rushed to your cheeks, flustered you finally spat out, "Baka why would I like you." with those words said you stormed off leaving both the sweet shop and him behind.
"How are you still alive? No better question how is he still alive?" your best friend inquired.

"I have no idea," you sigh after retelling the events of yesterday's walk home.

"Well at least your still alive," she/he laughs slinging an arm around you lightening your mood so that you laugh along with them.

"I believe this where you are to start you're well awaited walk with the ever so charming Tsukishima," your friend trying to impersonate a posh British person but failing horribly.

"Why would I wait for a jerk like him?"

"Well isn't it obvious it's because you're in love with him," they said mocking his words from yesterday.

With a red face you stormed away angry that your friend would ever suggest such an absurd thought. Your pace slowed the farther away you got from the school.

"Oi, Baka stop for a moment will ya I have to tell you something."

"What!?" you turned around to face the tall blonde to find a light pink brushed on his cheeks.

"Will you..." he gritted his teeth, annoyed with himself, "be my girlfriend," his cheeks were flaming red and you were pretty sure if you looked in a mirror you would find the same result.

"Wha... What?" you spat out.

"Idiot, I'm not repeating what I said."

You frowned at what he said. How did you feel about the annoying blonde. Before you could even get out a response he kissed you.
This is where you imagine the rest. So what did you guys think of it did you like it or did you think I displayed Tsukishima all wrong. Anyway please make a suggestion on who you want me to do next.

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