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Being Back.
& ReDiscover

Love DuSante Willows.

He was back, it definitely showed that he hadn't been around, that he had left, the air definitely was sweeter, as if it weren't artificial enough, —safe to say the Cove was still beautiful and like he suspected nolonger just a small town, the expansion had been city status worthy which was only a matter of time considering all the people who lived there and how extremely influential they were, —but this wasn't about the Cove, or the people, it was about him.

He was back and things were different.

"How —are you feeling, its mid term and you're a sophomore, you ready for this." That would be his dad worrying all over again, as if he weren't just a little bit more grown which made him chuckle. "I'm sure I'm going to be fine, —I know almost everyone in there dad." He reassured, if only it worked.

"Okay fine, —I'll call in later to check on you, bye kiddo." The call disconnected as he sighed, now that he was in proximity to both parents, he knew it was only a matter of time before his mum also called for nothing other than to know if he's breathing. So with that in mind he left his car, the sleek black Audi causing a stir already in the parking lot.

Keeping a low profile for him was going to be extremely hard, why —because he knew the people at the academy he was attending, it wasn't as exclusive and restrictive as it was before thanks to efforts and interventions by the aforementioned influential people of Pittsburgh Cove, so with bag and coffee in hand, he headed for the main doors.

The school was certainly different but there were still teens and nothing changed with teens, so making his way toward the Dean's office whilst trying to wade through a sea of bodies and trying to stay hidden wasn't going well, it was going badly until he paused to check his map and the bandana holding his curls back from making a whole scene slipped causing a single gasp to take hold —then a whole chorus of them.

"No way." The first teen whispered. "It can't be him, can it?" Another whisper questioning what he knew was true, it was him alright. "Oh my God, —it is you." A girl in what was a full cheerleader uniform called out as she came forward, he knew he needed to make a quick get away but it was next to impossible, he had no idea where the closest possible exit was.

Then a crash in the back called his attention. "Choose!" The angry yell was too hard not to notice, as it was coming from a tall boy wearing what was a jacket with the school mascot or rather the academy's chosen spirit animal. When everyone noticed what had taken his attention they also looked but none of them moved to stop what was clearly a case of bullying but he wouldn't.

"Choose Simon, the trashcan or your locker?" Another equally stunning and tall teen asserted as they surrounded a much smaller teen who looked just about ready to pass out or choke himself to death. He wondered why no one was doing anything until he got closer and saw who it was, —he recognized him, rather knew all of them.

"Simon we're waiting." Another taunt was muttered, as the jocks that surrounded him were like wolves, ready to tear away at him, it was partly amusing seeing this and also eye opening because these jocks, he knew they were never like this, even now it was uncharacteristic but he couldn't fully defend them because he hadn't been around to see what happened in their daily lives, until now.

So he tapped on the leader's shoulders, the ginger head with the a body not most teens could achieve unless they drugged themselves daily. "Fuck— go away." He sneered still looking at Simon who was caught in the middle. "I would but I had hoped to let you see my face." He finally spoke causing another stir which he was accustomed to now. Then the leader slowly turned around. "I swear I'm gonna—." He couldn't finish, it wasn't just his team that questioned why, everyone did because no one messed with him, he was a king in that very school, but he had paused.

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