💥 Ear Drums 🎧

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" I'm sorry , would you care to repeat that please " Momo said , unsure of what she had just heard.

Jirou excitedly held her phone Infront of the Ravenette , showing a message from a popular channel.

" Dear Miss kyoka , we are glad to inform to you that you're song ' ears ' has entered the top 10 songs of the month and we would love to have you come over and perform during our live broadcast on Friday night funk " The letter goes on like that for while with information such as the location of the music station and the number she should call if she wished to go.

Momo looked at Jirou , and all of a sudden the two females began squealing and jumping up and down with excitement.

" I'm so proud of you Kyo!! "
Momo laughed excitedly , hugging the young aspiring musician.

" Thanks Mo, now I just gotta go there and prove to the world what I can do as a musician" she said excitedly.

*1 hour later*

Kyoka Jirou lay in the grass on the backyard of the 2-A dorm building , as a nervous wreck.
She had her guitar next to her and a notebook which contained all the notes and lyrics of the songs she's made and the one that just blew up.

But she was so worried about what was about to come , the excitement that she had just a while back had now devolved into fear of what she now had to do.

Which is kinda stupid yet understandable, I mean on one hand-

" I've wanted this for soooo....long , I've been staring at my phone screen and checking the progress my song has made throughout these past weeks " the ravenette stated to herself while sitting up and resting her back against the buildings wall.

And on the other hand-

" What if I mess up? What if I go on live TV and end up making a fool of myself? What if I actually do great and end up having a hard time balancing my hero life and my music life? What if- "


Jirou jumped in her position and turned to her right to see the one and only , Bakugo Katsuki , standing right next to her with a frustrated look on his face. Frustration or anger which was clearly aimed at the young woman who was muttering her thoughts out like a frickin psycho.

" Oh , hey man " she greeted , her face softening as she realized that he heard everything she had been saying.
" What brings you out here today? " She asked.

The blonde scoffed and pulled out his phone , turning it on and showing her the current songs of the month chart on his screen.

Jirou was both shocked and shy about the fact that bakugo knew.
" H-how long have you- "

" I've been keeping track of it since I saw it on you're phone that day. What , got a problem with that? " He asked with a challenging smirk.

" No , not at all. Totally doesn't give stalker creep vibes " she bit back.

" How the fuck does keeping track of my favorite musician make me a creepy stalker? "

Jirou blushed at his words.
" Wait , I'm you're favourite musician?! " She asked , genuinely caught off guard by his sudden statement.

Bakugo scoffed once more and moved Infront of her , sitting down and keeping his phone on the ground next to him.
" Of course not , Ears. Ever heard of sarcasm " he replied.

Jirou frowned and nodded before watching him pick up her guitar and positioning to play.

" So. you got invited to play you're debut hit single at Rock'n studio's Friday night show. Am I right? " Bakugo asked.

The ravenette nodded.
" Yeah "

The blonde noted the tone of her voice as she replied. Of course he didn't hear everything she had mumbled about earlier, but from what he could hear he made out that she was more nervous at the moment than a specific green haired boy he knew.

(" Midoriya, I'm talking bout Midoriya. I realized that there alot of green haired characters in the MHA series ")


" You're fuckin welcome by the way " bakugo said , smirking to himself as he  already knew what kind of expression Jirou would have after hearing that from him.

Understanding what he meant completely, the girl blushed and flipped him off. He was the reason why she even got the courage to publish her song.
" I didn't say thank you , asshole " she replied.

The blonde looked at her and pulled his signature asshole grin at her.
" You didn't have to , you're face said it already" he said.

A second later he got a notebook and some grass thrown at his face.

Two minutes after this , Jirou is just sitting calmly while listening to bakugo strumming the guitar.

Of course he was no pro like she was , nor did he get every note he was probably aiming for. But he knew a song , and after finding the right cords and matching them with what he was trying to get , he did it.

In a matter of minutes he was playing a softer and more calm version of the instrumentals to the song that he and Jirou, along with the rest of the class 1-A band , had made. Remember hero too? Yeah that's the one.

This made Jirou watch him in shock and amazement, before just listening to him play. And before you know it she was remembering the day of the performance where she and her classmates had made a whole crowd of people sing-along and enjoy the performance that they were putting on.
The excitement of the crowd , the enjoyment of the thrill of singing for multiple people , her love for music.
She was reminded of all of those things that made her want to be both a musician and a Hero Too.

The ravenette smiled, closed her eyes and hummed along to the song , of course matching the slow and calmer version of the song bakugo was playing.

The blond looked at her and let a small smile appear on his face , keeping up strumming until the song was done.

For the short 4 minute song , the blonde and the ravenette had shared a moment that not only helped kyoka with her nervousness, but also gave her more trust in the blonde.

She looked at the blonde who had dropped the guitar on his side and scooted closer to her , sitting now crosslegged Infront of her.

" Thank you " she said.

" You're welcome " he replied , smirking as he grabbed his phone from his pocket and revealed that he was recording them on his phone.

She watched with a smile at herself singing and noticed that bakugo watched her with a calm and happy expression that was ever so rare.

The two locked eyes and we're , would I say , seconds from locking lips when she suddenly remembered that the last time she did , she ran away and didn't explain to him why.

Sure he later told her how he felt about it , and how he forgave her for that , but she never really got rid of the guilt of just ditching him right after what she knew they both wanted at the time.

But before she could retract , or have any seconds thoughts, he grabbed her chin and kissed her on the lips.
It was quick , sure. And right after , the blonde pulled away and got up. Walking away from her , and just before leaving her line of vision , he grinned at her.
" I'll be watching you on tv , when you get back on Friday. We can pick up from where we left off. " He said.

The girl blushed and giggled. Now not only was she ready for her performance, but also she was excited for the prospect of her little love life with the blonde coming to fruition.

Meanwhile , Bakugo was walking into the building and smiled to himself. He approached a group of his classmates who had gathered.

Tokoyami, Denki and Momo were all waiting for the blonde who's crimson red eyes glowed in the dark shade of the room they were in.

" You guys ready? "

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