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And at both wishes, I complied, until I couldn't hold myself back anymore, just as she couldn't, and we came together.

"My Beautiful Y/N." I gasped before pulling out of her and falling onto the bed.

Flipping onto her back, she tried to control her breathing before speaking. "You can only call me Y/N during sex."

"Why is that?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"You haven't earned it."

I couldn't have this. After what had just happened between us, everything had changed, whether she knew it or not, and it started with me. Grabbing on to her, I rolled over her, allowing her space so my weight would do no harm. She looked at me surprised, but said nothing.

"What happened tonight will be repeated," I told her calmly, still trying to catch my breath. "You are mine, as I am yours. But for this to work, you need to stop seeing me as a goddamned enemy and more like your husband."

Her eyes narrowed. "My husband you say? So I'm supposed to sit back polish your shoes and make dinner in between fucks?"

"Y/N," I replied, moving down until I was at her entrance again. "I get it," I said to her before I thrust forward and buried myself into the tight place that was quickly becoming my new home.

"Do you?" she hissed, trying to stay focused as I inserted myself deeper.

"Yes," I whispered going for her neck again.

"You are not a housewife," I said, pulling out only to slam myself in again.

"You do not want to be my arm candy." Slam, she reached up for my hair.

"You are a cold-blooded murderer." Slam, she moaned as sweat dripped from my chin onto her chest.

"You are a Boss." Slam.

"You are my evolution." Slam, this time, she grabbed on to my ass, trying to pull me closer.

"I'm willing to try to disregard my chauvinistic ways." Slam.

"To treat you as an equal, but you must fucking do the same for me, Y/N." And with that, I thrust into her repeatedly, her body molded with mine, her breasts pushed against my chest. She was so fucking tight I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Her nails dug into my back and her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to her. Her hands weaved into mine as we entangled ourselves, rising to the highest of climaxes and crashing together.

Gasping for breath, I held her tightly, my arms wrapped around her while I used her breast as a pillow. We were both silent, allowing our breathing to fill the cabin, and neither of us let go of the other.

"You see me as Boss?"

"Yes, and it annoys me, because I want that title," I replied honestly, causing her to pull my hair.

"No matter how many times we fuck Kim, I will never just bow down to you. I will never let you rule me. I will not be your bitch to screw and command. I don't think you can handle that."

Maybe it was the sex talking, or maybe my father's words were finally beginning to sink in and I was starting to see a new way of getting what I wanted. All of what I wanted.

Rolling off her, I looked up at the wooden ceiling, not speaking for a moment as I gathered my thoughts.

"In many ways, I can't," I told her. "In my mind, there will always be a chauvinist, but I will fight it. You and I both know that once we're married our companies will be one. Which means there will be only one head, for a divided house cannot stand."

"Thank you, my kind sir. But I am not giving up my claim as Boss," she replied, and I knew she wouldn't. She wouldn't "bow" to me. The only way for this to work other than the one thing I hated to do most—share.

It was so simple. It made logical sense, but I was a greedy motherfucker, and in many ways, so was she. We were too fucking alike.

"There is one head. But also a brain within it. Everything we choose for the company will be thought of together in our bed and then we bring it to the men. We rule as one together."

She said nothing, and I allowed her to think it over as I breathed in the smell of sex, our sex. The best fucking sex I had ever had. Sex I never wanted to stop having.

"We won't always agree on everything," she whispered, and she was right.

"Everything we don't agree on, we fuck out." I enjoyed the thought. "This is, after all, the longest interaction we have ever had and you haven't shot me once."

"Not yet," she said, sitting up. I loved how she didn't care if I saw her naked in the light. She didn't reach to cover herself. She just allowed me the pleasure of looking at her. My hands reached up to mess with a few strands of her hair.

"What do you say, my Y/N? We end our war and join brains and bodies to destroy any against us. We become one ruthless person instead of two."

"You can just do that?" she asked, eyeing me skeptically. "You can just share, like that. You don't seem like the type."

"Because I'm not. But when I thought of what my life would be like when I married, I thought of a woman, who handles what I do and allowed me the pleasure of confessing my sins as I took her mercilessly," I replied, looking up at such a woman. "And now I have a woman who takes part in them as well. Who enjoys it. Who does not shy away from it. If I can't share it with her, who can I share it with?"

"My father was right, you are a sweet talker." She frowned, and I hated the look of it, so I brushed my finger over her lips.

I stared at her. "I mean it, Y/N. Join me and set the world on fire and I won't take your title, no matter how much I once wished to. I wish for less fighting and more of this."

I grabbed her face with one hand and her breast with the other.

"You are using sex to cloud my judgment, Kim."

"I'm simply showing you another way, because I'm tired of being at war with an opponent I can't kill," I whispered to her. "You stand at my side. I stand at yours, and together we rule the East and the West, so much so that they'll rename cities after us."

"The Songs." She bit her lip as I pinched her nipples. Leaning forward, I took one of them into my mouth and pulled her close to me.

"We put a bullet in each one of their heads and then fuck in their beds," I replied as she pushed me onto my back and grabbed hold of my cock. I felt it jump alive in her hands.

She bent down and licked the tip of it. "Are you lying to me, Kim?"

She took me in her mouth and I moaned incoherently, words I weren't even sure were meaningful. I could barely even think straight, her mouth was that heavenly. Forget Sora, and any of the other bitches I had been with. Had I known this was what waited for me, I would have come here fucking first.

"Well Kim?" She ran her teeth along my length, and I shivered.

"Fuck no, Y/N. I'm not fucking lying." My hands went to her hair.

"You and I work as one?" she asked me before sucking down harder, making me almost come in her mouth.

My head went back, and I tried to hide how blissful this felt. "Jesus yes. Fuck yes. You and me, no one else. We will . . . fuck, baby. Ohhh! Yes! We'll rule as one."

"Even now, as I'm sucking your cock, you will see me as an equal." She used her hands when she spoke, before her magical mouth enveloped me once more.

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now