Enemies And A New Friend

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As soon as Aria said this, the guy behind us disappeared without a trace and the three enemies in front of us disappeared.

Then before I could process what had happened Aria appeared on the left-hand side of one of her opponents cutting off her arm, at the same time dodging a green disgusting looking vine.

Both opponents looked at her with a forge-fire rage burning hot in their eyes. Their emotion-based contempt reflected their flaring auras, which filled the air, bringing me to my knees.

The man on the other side dashed to her with a spear out, a black fire raging along its blade, however just before he could connect, she disappeared right behind him cutting him from his shoulder blade down to just a foot before she side-stepped away to dodge a weird creepy looking golem made of several black opaque spikes.

While all this was happening the man who appeared, in the beginning, stood in the far back watching the fight by the sidelines. His face a blank canvas completely unaffected by whatever is going on. Aria by the way her head was tilting from left to right was clearly keeping tabs on in case that man moves.

Aria then disappeared right beside one of them, who of which was using some weird flames on herself, Aria touched them and they faded to a magenta-purple flame, the flames then began to turn on their master instead, slowly devouring her.

The woman screamed in agony but quickly faded as she used, even more, mana to dispel it, but before she was able to move Aria's blade almost instantly decapitated her. The now decapitated head rolled onto the cold ground of the cave.

Aria winced, her eyes scrunched, then closed. She's in pain perhaps?

"Her control over the spell is faltering," Sylvia muttered to herself, but the look on my worried face gave away that I heard her.

"Don't worry child Aria is strong, very strong, she'll prevail." She patted my head in comfort, I gave her a nod in response.

The man and Aria clashed blades with each other, Aria was easily pushing the man back and winning, both on technique and on pure strength alone. Aria appeared and reappeared behind the man instantly piercing his abdomen.

He fell to the floor in pain and black flames engulfed his wound. Even now the man in the back still didn't move.

Aria turned the flames magenta-purple and the flames quickly consumed his wound, then without another second his head was missing from his body.

I released a breath of relief that it was almost over.... almost. Aria took a breath then a second later the three men that had disappeared earlier, now reappeared in the same exact places.

Without wasting another second and giving any of them a chance to respond, Aria vanished into thin air only to then appear right behind the man that was behind us, piercing his heart with her blade, at the same time freezing a weird green tentacle-looking thing.

Aria then with the same technique as earlier appeared right in between the two, cutting a woman's hand off, while parrying another blade. With one hand she shot black lighting toward the man she parried, the other was used to bring his blade out of the way so that he could use it to deflect himself.

In response he let out a burst of black flames to cover the lightning, allowing him to come out unscathed.

Aria instead of vanishing, dashed toward the woman, parrying her blade. She clenched her teeth, and did the one thing that I did not expect from her. With a flick of her wrist the woman was engulfed in a white icy haze.

Turning in the other direction Aria dashed with all her might, to the man cutting through a golem in the process, She parried his blade; he was stronger, but she had better technique, with one swift motion she severed his hand then his head.

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