34. Holding On and Letting Go

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Follow me if you're already invested in this story because I'll keep writing similar stories in the future, and you might miss out

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At midnight, Lina found herself unable to sleep. She occupied the living room couch; her eyes fixated on the blank wall near her inactive television. Her once youthful spirit lay in ruins, and her self-confidence shattered.

Dongfang Qingcang, adorned in his usual ebony attire accentuated with glimmers of golden fabric, stood in the shadows and observed Lina from the corner, sensing her sorrow with keen perception. Gracefully and unhurriedly, he crossed the room, his left hand resting on his lower back. The trailing laced cape of his luxurious robe swept the floor with each deliberate step until he settled beside her on the couch, a profound silence hanging between them.

Lina, her eyes stealing a sidelong glance at Qingcang, felt the heaviness in her heart and the numbing of her mind. Yet, there was a strange comfort in his presence. "Can't sleep as well?" she ventured to ask, her voice tinged with weariness.

Qingcang released a deep, resonating sigh, his gaze never wavering from the blank part of the wall. "Not while you remain sad," he responded softly, gradually turning his head to meet Lina's gaze.

Lina emitted a faint scoff, her attention drawn towards Qingcang, her eyes tracing his every movement. "Since when do you really care about me?" she asked tenderly, her voice mirroring his gentle tone. Disheartened by her belief in his kindness, she skeptically thought, 'He doesn't have a crush on me nor even cares about me; he just wants me for that damn portal.'

A furrow formed on Qingcang's brow as he delved into his thoughts. "Since the moment I stepped into your world," he replied, his gaze fixated as it met Lina's astonished expression.

Lina's eyes widened in surprise. Merely hours ago, she thought Qingcang had pretended to care for her mental state all along because he convinced her to meet with Yichen. Summoning her inner strength, she asserted, "Pretty Eyes, I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me," Qingcang rebuked sternly as he turned away from Lina. His words pierced the air, capturing her full attention. "I'm aware of your suffering and your struggle against tears."


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The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangWhere stories live. Discover now