Rory McCann - Childhood Love

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Author's note:

This smut is kinda long so be patient with me :) Hopefully ya'll like this smut story. ByBee.


You've known Rory for a long time, ever since diapers actually but you guys separated for the first time when he moved away to become a big movie star in some other world. He's been casted in multiple movies before but this is the first T.V. series that will bring him worldwide fame. The Game of Thrones. The series just started and he is already super famous around town and you're sure around the world too. Now that he's made a name for himself, you barely get to talk to him anymore. Sometimes you get to facetime, sometimes phone calls but now it's barely any text. You miss him. You never told him your feelings because you don't want to ruin anything if he doesn't return your feelings. And especially now that he's busy, you don't want to bother him.

You live your daily life by going to work, cleaning your house, and watching Rory on Hulu. You doubt he know that you're keeping track of his activities. Like how he goes to fundraisers, Comic-Cons and how he enjoys going to his fan signs so much. You're not able to do anything for him besides staying in your old hometown and watch him shine. You admire him so much. How he's got the guts to show the world his skills and his charms. You can never do that. You'd rather stick with your 9-5. It's where you belong. Although you long to stick by Rory's side and only want him to look at you. You want him to smile at you, cry to you, love only you. But again, that's not possible. You were just once the past. He's probably already forgotten about you.

You remember seeing an online photo of him with another lady. They seemed close. The way they sat together, the way the photo portrayed them talking together. It made your blood boil. Rory is yours. Well, 'was' he used to be. You wanted to see him happy but with you, not with some other girl. You know that the other girl was just another cast but still you couldn't help but feel jealous.

You shake your head as you clear your head from your thoughts. Rory's picture in the café brought those thoughts. You blink a couple times before finishing wiping the table and moving to behind the counter. You need a drink. Although it's a café, today as pretty busy. Adults trinkle in to grab a quick coffee to-go and students travel in for study groups. You never had to chance to go to college so after high school you went straight into working.

"Y/N, your shift is over" the owner yells from across the room.

"Right" you mumbled. It's already 5. You've been daydreaming this whole time.

You finish up what you were doing and go into the staff room to change and clock out. After you get out of the little café, you head on home. You live in a small town, so your home was not that far away. Walking was a way to work out and save gas money. It took you about 20 minutes to get home because you were enjoying nature's beauty on your way home. Upon arriving home, you notice that there was no car home meaning no one was home. Your mom who's usually home probably went to the grocery store. It is Thursday so it's your mom's grocery shopping day.

You quickly enter the warm home and make your way upstairs to take a shower. Working all day has made your muscle and foot ache. Showering will help relieve that pain. You undress after closing the door behind you and go into your connected bathroom. You turn on the water to warm and jump into the shower. You couldn't help but think about Rory again. Although you're probably no longer in his mind, he was always in yours. You think about how he will always make you smile with his jokes and how he will always make your stomach flutter when he holds your hand. You know you both enjoy each other's company. You're just sad that he's no longer by your side. Everything seemed so right.

As you wash your head, it reminded you of the times when he's play with your hair or how he'll secretly smell them when he thinks you're not paying attention. These thoughts bring you chills, and you continue to miss him more. You wash your body; that reminds you of the time when you're both in your room and on your bed. You were both facing each other trying to fall asleep and just as your eyes got heavy you can feel Rory stroking your arm. He slowly drags his fingers down your arm and onto your hips. You can still feel the goosebumps like they were still there. Nothing came out of that night because you excused it as a dream.

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