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Yun Jin managed to get back in her bedroom just a few minutes before Chongyun came and knocked at her door.

"- You can enter Chongyun, I'm awake !"

The young man shyly opened the door and smiled at the princess who was sitting at her desk, back in her nightdress.

"- Good morning Yun Jin !

- Good morning ! How are you today ?

- I am very good, actually I don't really know why but I am quite excited to meet the Qingce Prince today !"

Yun Jin chuckled. That was a good thing in her opinion.

"- I really hope that you will get along, because if he wants to get closer to me, he will have to first be nice with my best friend !

- O-oh, I don't really think he will want me to communicate with him, my rank is way too low compared to his !

- Wait until you meet him before saying such things ! I am sure you will become good friends !

- If you say so... Anyways, I will call the servants to prepare you, after all, you will meet your future husband, right ?

- Um... I suppose he is, yes, even if that does not really make me happy...

- I hope he will be a very nice man, Yun Jin, but if he isn't, I'll personally assure that he becomes one !

- Haha, thanks Chongyun, I know I can always count on you !"

The two best friends laughed together, before Chongyun called the servants to help the princess prepare herself.

Yun Jin tried to convince her servants to not give her a too complicated dress, but she still ended up with a beautiful golden dress similar to a ballgown, with an as much complicated hairstyle. She had to say the color fitted her eyes pretty well, but it still felt like too much for her.


The princess soon met up with Chongyun and went to the reception hall, where she had been informed the prince was already in. Followed by her best friend, she walked through the castle's corridors.

As she arrived, a guard announced her arrival and she entered the hall. The prince turned around when he heard the announcement and smiled gently.

Yun Jin smiled back at him. As she walked to him, she observed him from head to toes.

He was very handsome, as she expected. His gentle golden eyes and his royal-blue hair gave him a lot of dignity and he very much looked like the prince he was. His clothes were also very elegant. But he had something in his eyes that suggested he had more personality than he would show. However, as beautiful as he was, he was not really Yun Jin's type.

The princess glanced at Chongyun, to notice a small tint of pink on his cheeks as he looked at the prince, captivated by his beauty.

Yun Jin graciously bowed in front of the prince, followed by Chongyun behind her. 

"- It is a true honor to make your acquaintance, Prince Xingqiu of Qingce. I have heard a lot of good about you, and I am delighted to see you seem as virtuous as I was told."

The prince bowed back with a lot of exaggeration. Both royals knew that Yun Jin's parents were looking at them so they needed to make the best first impression.

"- Oh, I am so honored to know my deeds have come to your ears, Princess Yun Jin, I promise to do my best to show you that I am worthy of your trust !"

The King and the Queen of Liyue, watching from a distance, both nodded in approval of the Prince. Yun Jin could hardly hide a sigh of relief. Her parents would now leave her alone for some time. She smiled at the prince and asked him :

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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