Chapter 4: One Good Thing Did Come From Earth

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You are sitting down and maintaining your new weapons.

"They should come in handy if things go out of hand," you said to yourself.

After maintenance, you walked around the ship, leading you to Faye's empty room.

"She better not have gotten herself killed," you thought to yourself.

Just then, you received a call from the smuggler.

"You have a job for me?"

Smuggler: "No, but I have something that might interest you."

He pulled up an image of Faye being escorted by a group of thugs.

Smuggler: "Are you interested in checking up on her? She's at the Spiders From Mars casino. You can earn some quick cash while there, just try not to win too much and they won't kick you out."After hanging up, you went straight for the casino.

With your helmet, you entered it without being spotted, noticing all the customers socializing and gambling their money away.

"What has Faye gotten into?!" you thought.

Deciding to look for her later, you try your luck at a slot machine and hit a jackpot of 200 thousand Woolongs. You then decide to try a game of blackjack and sit down at the table.

A Cowboy, His Cowgirl, and Several Bounty Heads (Faye Valentine x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now