Today's The Day

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Just to give a quick refresher at the beginning of the last chapter Jade had just met Doctor Fate. I then trailed back to fill in what had happened, so now were back to that point. This is just to clear up any possible confusion. Also, this chapter is a sort of big, time skip just to speed the process up, but don't worry I plan on doing what I did last time with Sarah and Jade and just doing the same thing with Doctor Fate and Jade.


'Doctor Fate, who is Doctor Fate is he one of this Earth's superheroes or an enemy? And he said Sarah told him about me? Most of all where is Sarah?' A million questions rang through Jade's head about who Doctor Fate was, and other questions about Sarah. While questions rang through her mind, her face held a completely different expression. Jade's expression was stone cold, any hint of emotion was wiped away. One wouldn't be able to tell what was going on through the girl's head due to her not showing a single thing she was thinking on her face. Not even her eyes. After all the eyes of a person reveal everything about them. Jade was taught to hide any sort of emotion in her eyes.

So when Jade confronted this Doctor Fate by attacking him a few more times she made sure not even the slightest emotion was seen anywhere on her face.

After a while, Jade stopped attacking the man finding it useless. As he kept dodging it no matter how fast she hit. It almost seemed like he was using magic to avoid her hits. When Jade halted her attacks she decided it was time to do some questioning instead. She started with the one she wanted to know most.

"Where is Sarah?" Her voice came out dangerously low. The man simply replied. "She is gone." Jade, not believing the man asked again this time raising her sword at him. "Where is she?"

"I already told you gone." Seeing as the man wouldn't give her a proper answer, Jade went with another question. "What did you mean when you said Sarah told you about me." "Exactly as it means, Sarah told me about you." Jade let out a huff of irritation before taking a deep breath. 'Patience Jade, patience.' "And why would she tell you a complete stranger about me?" "Because she wanted you to have someone for when she's gone." The man's reply seemed just to bring about more questions. Fate seeing this stated, "I understand you have a lot of questions, but for now, it is best we go." Jade looked up at Fate snapping, out of her thoughts. "Go where," Jade was wondering where this 'man' could possibly take her. Fate replied like it was obvious, "Well of course, to the Tower of Fate." Seeing as the man was the only one to hold any answers to her questions, Jade obliged. After all Jade had nothing to lose by following this man.


About a year had passed since the disappearance of Sarah. In the beginning, when she met Fate, she continuously questioned him about Sarah. Eventually, he had told her that she had disappeared-not much different from his other reply-before saying that it was fate that it happened. Amber gave in eventually and stopped asking questions as it was getting her nowhere. Time went on and Amber once angina adapted to living in a new unfamiliar place. Just this time it was without all the excitement Sarah had in her life. Here in the Tower of Fate, it was always quiet and peaceful. And unlike last time she had no significant bond that she made with Fate as she did before with Sarah. Although she did learn that Fate was some magical being and that Fate was actually the helmet, Nabu, who was inhabiting his host body, Kent Nelson. If Amber had to describe Fate and her relationship it was more like a mutual understanding or one could even say that of a mentorship. Believe it or not, the ability she had used so often when she was with Hydra was actually her using magic. She also found out him indeed being one of Earth's heroes.

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