chapter 6 - three way with your man

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You threw your hands up in surrender as she held a gun towards you she came closer to you

"Who are you"

"Hey girl your something why don't you let me three way with you and your man"

"Tell me who the fuck are you are you with those danm Asians your dressed like them"

"Nah I'm with no one not the Asians and not with you but I'm sure here to fucking kill Ted"

She punched you in the face and was about to shoot you in the head when Saul came in with the gun he had from earlier yelling


When he shot it the gun missed and bullets went everywhere they missed the cop but one grazed your face and broke skin and gave you a cut on your cheek she kicked you in the face knocking you out and then turned around to fight Saul at first she seemed like she was winning getting punches on Saul giving him a bloody nose then Saul started getting the upper hand and eventually he grabbed a price of wood and broke it over her back knocking her down for good

"I didn't want to do that but you wouldn't stop"

Saul ran over to you to wake you up

"You better have not fucking killed her"

Budlofsky got out one of the stocks he was laying in with Carol yelling at him

"Shoot him shoot him you fuck"

"I'm hungry I'm going to eat dinner with my wife"

Matheson came out from the hatch and shot him

"Dinners going to be cold tonight asshole"

"Your fucked up man"

"Well looky here Mr Folgers what's up sir get back over here and leave her there"

"Look man I didn't even wanna hit you with that coffee pot"

"Shut the fuck up think you was gonna get me motherfucker huh!? You need to sit your lil sexy ass down and watch yourself get killed now"

"Alright you know what this is how it's going to be alright this how it ends"

Matheson was going to shoot Saul with Saul being ready and fine with dying until a car came in and ran over him when the person got out the car it was red

"You just got killed by a DeyWoLuanos motherfucker how you like me now huh! Gross"


"Saul hey Saul I came back for you bro you know after selling you out and seeing this guy's nuts being crushed with my DeyWo I just want to be a better friend to you man"

"I fucking love you dog"

"I love you to I wanna be inside you homes"

The cop lady grabbed a gun she had by and shot red


you got up slowly and got up that's when you seen a fire come from the hatch with a big explosion you took cover and after got back up not sure what even just happened you saw Dale come from the hatch where the explosion came from




"Holy shit are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine"

"Where's Saul!?"

"Somewhere around here LOOK!"




you and Dale picked up Saul and walked out of the grow house Saul wasn't waking up and you guys thought he was gone until he got up and woke up


"Saul we thought you were dead"

"Yeah totally"

"Nah guys I'm good"

"What the fuck is that!?"


"Hey guys"

"FUCK dude how are you still alive"

"You know y/n I don't know"

"Werid as fuck man"

Everyone was now at a dinner listening to Dale and Saul pretending to do a talk show on the radio

"How did that sound?"

"Sounded good"

"Yeah if you were on the radio I would listen to it"

"I thought it was cool"

"Thanks guys"

"I'm trying to decide how stoned I am and how dying I am"

You lost a lot of blood"

"When I saw you on the bathroom floor I thought you were gonna die honestly bro"

"Can we all be freinds like all of us like Saul and y/n you guys are my friends but can us four be a freind group together"


"That seems like a cool idea"

"Let's put our hands together"


"Red?... peekaboo"

"Oh look"

"You good?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine"

"Ah bubby's here"

"Do you think we can go to the hospital?"

"Yeah dude you need one bad"

"Hey bubby"

"You guys smell like shit"

"Saul get in the back"

"Why do I have to get in the back?"

"Because I don't wanna be back there with Dale and Red"

"Ugh fine"


"Saul y/n set my clocks for me so you don't have to do it"

"She did?"

"Yeah totally i came by your grandma's retirement home to see if you were there"

"Oh...well thanks y/n"


"Bubby could you drop Red off at the hospital"

"Yeah which one"

End of chapter 6 - three way with you man

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