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Sodo's POV:

What happened yesterday..why couldn't I stop myself? Letting Swiss fuck me like that..why did I let him..? This strange feeling won't go away. I should talk to Rain and Aether about this. "Hey Sodo!" Rain called out to me as I walked towards them. 

R: "Glad your on time for the rehearsal!" 

S: "Wait, we have a rehearsal?" 

R: "Uhm yeah? Isn't that why you came?" 

S: "No..I came to talk."

R: "Oh alright! What do you want to talk about?"

S: "So since you know, you and Aether has been dating for a while.."

S: "And I have this weird feeling. Don't think of me as someone who likes to fuck..but.."

A: "But..?"

S: "I kind of let Swiss fuck me yesterday. I hated it but I didn't feel like I hate it.."

R: "What do you mean?"

A: "He means that when Swiss fucked him, he thinks he hated it but his feelings are telling him otherwise you idiot." he elbowed Rain in the stomach.

R: "Ow! Ok ok chill!"

S: "Well, that's another way to put it."

A: "Sodo it's simple! You have feelings for Swiss, you just don't acknowledge it yet!"

S: "What! There's no way I like him! I..I..I'm not gay..!"

A: "Ok then how about we all go up to him and you tell him that you don't like him!"

S: "Fine!"

Rain, Aether and I walked to find Swiss. After looking everywhere, we found him in the changing room..shirtless. I never grew so red before.

A: "Go on, tell him!" Aether whispered to me.

S: "O-Ok..!"

Rain and Aether watched as I walked up to Swiss. God this is embarrassing, saying that to his face while his beautiful chest is showing..snap out of it Sodo!

SW: "Oh hey darling, how did you sleep last night?~"

S: "I slept well..but I have something to tell you.."

SW: "Oh? And that is?~"

I looked over at a corner, Aether and Rain watching me closely. Why can't I do it..

SW: "Hello?"

Swiss pulled me closer by the waist, letting me focus on him again. Right..Sodo just tell him.

S: "I..."

SW: "You?"

S: "I..uh..I..don't..."

SW: "You don't what?"

Sodo just fucking do it. Please get your guts and tell him that. I gulped but still couldn't do it. The only urge I had were to kiss him.

S: "I.." I leaned forward and gently kissed him, pulling back immediately.

SW: "...Sodo...are you okay?"

S: "I..I- I am.."

SW: "If you say so.~"

Swiss then grabbed my ass to pull me closer, crotch touching erection. Stop him Sodo..stop him please. Swiss's free hand going around my neck..why do I like it so much..his lips got closer to mine..I could feel his breath down my lips. He kissed me, slowly turning into a make out. I knew Rain and Aether was watching but I lost my mind and could care less.


-Updates everyday around 5PM-PST-/maybe 2x or more a day// might not update due to lack of ideas or busy.

Sodo's Feelings (Swiss x Sodo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now