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The light sounds of water flowing through a small river was to be heard with the help of a slight breeze that pushed the currents with a gentle force. Seeming to be in a never ending loop as they continued to flow with no intention in going anywhere, it was almost as if it had no purpose. Located in meadow filled with hourglasses, the abstraction of the area was perfectly quiet.

Just as it should be.

The sun was shining as it illuminated the area with plenty of light, making the greenhouse beautifully lit with different colors as the sun's rays shone through the glass windows. Filled with Dandelions that contained smiles plastered on their faces, held pure joy as their little leaves got the sun's energy they needed.

Yellow dogs were running around in small packs as the sudden urge of energy was needed. This usually means that playtime was a must if they had a good meal, but not for her.

A pile of yellow dogs was seen surrounding the source of soft snoring as some decided to cuddle up against the laying figure. During this time of day, the same person would lay on the same spot everyday.

Becoming a habit after either eating or wasting every last bit of energy, waking up to find almost every single dog of the sanctuary towering above her, never failed to make her feel at ease. This has been going on for a few years now ever since she had decided to live with her close friend, who owns the greenhouse/sanctuary.

The sound of a door opening seemed to fill the area as it did no intention of waking the figure up and continued their comfortable slumber. The light patter of feet was to be heard as the door then began to close, waking up some of the dogs that were cuddling with the figure on the pile of the now squashed dandelions.

"Y/n? Ты здесь? (Y/n? Are you here?)", the mysterious feminine person called out. The sound of footsteps started to get near the source of whoever was snoring as she too, heard it.

She then stood where the dogs were making a pile of themselves and instantly knew who was sleeping so soundly.

"Шу шу уйти (Shoo shoo, go away)", she shooed the dogs away with her cane as they instinctively got up and ran off. Looking down at the figure on the floor, she sighed exhaustingly. "Y/n. нет сна при уходе за собаками. (Y/n. There is no sleeping when taking care of the dogs.)", she scolded as she gently kicked the figure awake.

The person on the ground opened their eyes slowly as they looked up at whoever was kicking them, instantly shutting their eyes as the sun was shining brightly. "Alright alright I'm up", she said as she too, had a feminine voice.

She then sat up and stretched her limbs in an attempt of waking up. Her floating arms and head quietly popped as she did so making her slightly giggle at such funny noises.

"Y/n", the voice who woke her up spoke. "Мы говорили об этом много раз. Мы не должны засыпать, когда присматриваем за этими милыми парнями! (We've talked about this many times. We mustn't fall asleep when we're watching over these cute guys!)", she spat out as she sternly spoke to the person on the ground.

"И встаньте. Вы губите цветы. (And get up. You're ruining the flowers)". Y/n quickly stood up as she didn't want to get another scolding like the last time something bad happened. She flinched at the thought as she wished for it to never happen again.

"Apologies, Shepherd, but taking care of the little guys made me feel exhausted! I supposed a little nap wouldn't hurt", she said while awkwardly scratching the back of her head, as she had no neck but a floating head.

Y/n has a smooth face with half of it being a light teal and the other being gray. Her eyes were two different colors as yellow was on the teal part of her face while the color blue on her grey side. Oddly enough, she has a third eye on her forehead that is the color red and is shaped like a diamond, containing small, black lashes that matched her hair color.

Shepherd was like a cat due to her cat-like features meaning that she had whiskers, long black ears, and yellow eyes. She also was the color red as half of her face was white with a little patch of red on her bottom cheek, reaching towards her chin.

"Ч. Будет ли больно, если вы лучше спите? (Tch. Would it hurt if you have better sleep?)", Shepherd asked the abstract girl while facepalming.

Y/n sighed as she spoke up, changing the topic. "Where did you go by any chance? It seems like you've just arrived."

"Я на самом деле получал еду для самых маленьких и... (I was actually out getting food for the little ones and...)" Shepherd said as she then reached for her pocket, pulling two items out.

"Я хотел получить туррон для нас обоих. Прошло какое-то время! (I wanted to get some turron for the both of us. It's been a while!)", she said excitedly as she extended her arm to Y/n, giving her a medium-sized turron.

Y/n then took the turron from her hand as her mood switched to an excited one, hugging the turron close and twirling around. "Why I've missed the sweet taste of turrons! Such a delightful treat to have with friends!" she said happily as Shepherd watched, chuckling.

"Сохраните его на потом, так как мы должны убрать тот маленький беспорядок, который вы сделали с цветами. (Save it for later since we have to clean up that little mess you made with the flowers.)", the cat-like figure said as she stored her turron in her pocket, followed by Y/n who had a look of disappointment plastered on her face. ",, не выгляди таким разбитым. Вы только что проснулись! (Ah ah ah, don't look so bummed out. You just woke up!)", Shepherd said while walking over to the pile of squashed flowers which seemed to have replaced the grins into frowns on their faces.

How unsettling.

"Ugh fine", Y/n said as she groaned frustratedly at her parental figure's statement, slouching over while doing so. Shepherd rolled her eyes at the colorful girl and continued to fix the flowers that were laying miserably on the dirt. "Я тоже забыл спросить, но..(I've also forgot to ask but...)", the cat said as she stopped what she was doing. "Собаки вели себя до того, как вы вздремнули? (Were the dogs behaving before you took such a nap?)", she asked worryingly.

Y/n then looked at her and smiled softly. "There is no need to worry so much Shepherd, they were doing just fine! Crashing into me countless times! But... they were alright.", Y/n giggled as she helped Shepherd calm down and knelt next to her, fixing the flowers.

"Спасибо Y/n. Тяжело заботиться об этих парнях. (Thank you, Y/n., It's hard taking care of those fellas.)", she said as she glanced at Y/n, who stopped what she was doing to look at her parental figure. She then gave her a close-eyed smile.

"Of course! I wouldn't want them to get hurt or else....that would be bad...", Y/n said as a yellow dog walked towards the two and sat in between them. Shepherd smiled back as she scratched the dog's head. "Пока мы на тему собак. Будет ли хорошо, если вы завтра пойдете на аукцион? (While we're on the topic of dogs. Would it be alright if you go to the auction tomorrow?)", she asked, still petting the dog. Y/n looked at her confusedly.

"Oh? And for what reason will I be going to the auction?" Shepherd then looked at the black-haired girl who had a confused look on her face and smiled excitedly. "Я слышал о новинке, которую они продают. Это собака в песочных часах! Звучит как замечательный сувенир! (I've heard about the new item they're selling. It's a dog in an hourglass! Sounds like a wonderful souvenir!)" Y/n sighed as she closed her eyes. Shaking her head, she let out a small chuckle.

" Ok. I'll get it just for you then! I really hope nothing bad happens to it while I'm there."


I used google translate for the Russian words pls don't attack me 😭

(1327 Words)

𝙸𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕  𝙼𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚒𝚊Where stories live. Discover now