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A circle was made around the training grounds of the Ironblood pack. Alphas stood in the front, with the gammas next to them. Maximus was still holding her hand. Selene felt his emotions, worry, concern. His stance was rigid.

This day was very important for everyone. Not only because of the fight that will occur in a few minutes, but also due to the missing wolves and their plan. Selene could recognize Alpha Magnus from the description of Ben and Maximus. He had a normal appearance. You could tell he was strong, like all the Alphas gathered there, but none could even come close to her Maximus. However, Selene could tell that Alpha Magnus was fidgeting, nervous.

 The previous night, they decided to spread the rumour of Ben's cousin, Elena, dissapearance among the pack. Selene could tell Maximus didn't like liying to Ironblood, but it was a necessary thing. They were outraged at the news, not understanding how someone managed to break into the royal pack. Selene's hope for revealing who the traitor was and the truth about Alpha Magnus beat the feeling of guilt. They were all aiming for the Alpha to make the mistake of contacting his source.

„Who here wishes to challenge the King's mate?" One of the elders stepped inside the circle, looking around. All were waiting for the inevitable to happen, for the Gamma of Moonlight pack, Kassandra, to make her move. It was known all over the Kingdom that she wanted the position, badly. Instead, Selene saw an average height woman step forward.

„I wish to Challenge the King's mate to battle." They looked at each other, assessing. She didn't seem like a true challenge to her, but she couldn't let her guard down. Selene stepped forward too.

„I accept your challenge." Maximus kissed her lips deeply, sending all his love and courage to her. She smiled at him and let go of his hand.

Stepping in the circle, face to face, Selene and the she-wolf took defensive stances. It was over before it began. Mathilda, a warrior from Alpha Magnus's pack, was sloppy and Selene manged to put her down in an instant, the woman submitting without a real fight. This is too easy.

"I challenge the King's mate." Selene heard again and whisked her head to her right, to see another she-wolf stepping forward. It went like this, until Selene had defeated a total of 6 she-wolves. She was tired from all the fighting, but didn't show it. Her eyes fell on Maximus, who had a look of worry on his face. He realized something was strange too. Suddenly, the murmurs went quiet and a tall, lean, blonde-haired woman stepped in front of Selene.

„I challenge the King's mate, to the death." The wolves gasped, stunned at Kassandra's words. In that moment, Selene realized this was the plan all along. She-wolves, with medium fighting skills, would challenge her until she tired herself and in the end, the one who wants the power, to have it all, a better chance at winning. This is someone else's doing.

"No, I don't accept it" Maximus was next to Selene in a blink of an eye, his hand around her shoulders.

„King Maximus, step aside. You have no say in this. A challenge to the death can not be interfered with." The elder that gave Selene chills stomped forward.

„Love, it's fine. I have to do this."


„I love you, my sun." Kissing him like she has never done before, not caring that all eyes were on them, her promise of never leaving him falttering. She leaned her forehead on his for a moment and then all Maximus felt, for the first time in his life, was desperation. Desperation that he couldn't to anything to stop the fight, to help her. He could loose her forever.

„As per the rules of the High Order, in a fight ending with someone's death, the challenger may decide the form in which the battle will take place. Choose, gamma Kassandra."

„I choose the form given to me by the Goddess, my wolf form". Kassandra's human body began morphing, fur instead of skin, long claws elongating, her sharp fangs out, growling. Her wolf was huge, reaching Selene's head when on all fours. Maximus didn't know what to do.

„Selene is not a werewolf. The fight must be fair." The High Order moved to contradict Maximus, but they saw all the wolves start whispering, words of an unfair fight.

„Ok, King Maximus, we agree with your statement." The elder turned to look at Selene. „You may choose any weapon to bring into the fight, besides your own body."

Selene never liked violence, blood or hurting others. Her gift was of light, nature, bestowed by the Goddess Artemis herself. It was not intended to do harm, but bring life. 

From a young age, Soren has taught her that the world was full of evil and not everyone would appreciate the nature like she did. Some would bring harm to it, just because they can. Her father showed her, after discovering her powers, that they can also be used with bad intentions. That day, Selene saw how enchanting the darkness can be, alluring, giving her a feeling of wanting for more and more power. She vowed that day to only use them for doing good. Her fighting skills were so developed for this reason. She could bring death by just flicking her wrist, but she despised it. When she met Maximus, she made the second vow in her life, to never let him find out how dark she can be, how her mind could be trapped by her own gift.

With tears in her eyes, she looked at her sun. She took him in, his sharp features, yet loving eyes that were watching her with concern. He thought she was crying because she was afraid of the fight, but her sorrow came with the realization that there was no choice but to break both her promises to herself. The risk of loosing him by diying to the she-wolf in front of her, never having the opportunity to hold him again, was right now far greater than her fear of his reaction. She knew he loved her, adored her, just like she did him, but no one knew what her powers were capable of. With her eyes fixated on his, she made her decision.

„I choose my powers."

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